Information is provided in fifteen of the world's major languages. Global industry, economic and political risk ratings and analysis. Specialized market research reports covering healthcare, science, and technology sectors. Market research helps you find customers for your business. Visit. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. A web-based data analysis and mapping application that allows users to create custom thematic maps, tables and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States. Skip to main content. Additional sources of information include Euromonitor, Business Monitor International, Oxford Economics, Dun & Bradstreet, and Mintel. Business Source Premier. This guide provides links to databases that provide off-the-shelf market research reports, data on consumer demographics, preferences and lifestyles, news and statistical sources. Statistics and reports on products and people worldwide. Search library catalog for title keyword "Who's Buying" for publications on specific market demographics and for subject "consumer behavior statistics" or subject "consumers statistics" for more on buyers of products and services. It also provides U.S. business risk ratings, and … IT industry research: hardware, software, cloud, IOT, etc. Detailed consumer spending data of US consumers. The information is gathered from newspapers, magazines, and trade journals. While Libraries buildings are CLOSED until further notice, our staff are working remotely to support you. Get access to the latest market and supplier information to make sure you have the most practical knowledge you need to find the right opportunities at the right … It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Topics covered include: automotive, beauty, drink, food, clothing and apparel, leisure & entertainment, travel etc. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Market research reports on a wide variety of topics. Two dozen consumer products and services, including food and beverage, beauty and personal care, consumer appliances and electronics, pet care, toys and games, luxury goods, consumer finance, travel and tourism, and more. Each report includes statistical data and analysis of the competitive landscape, market size, segmentation, market … Market research is the process of assessing the viability of a new good or service through research conducted directly with the consumer which allows a company to discover the target market and record opinions and other input from consumers regarding interest in the product.. Contact: Bailey Library … Detailed market research reports on products and consumers (predominantly UK and US markets — sporadic coverage of markets in some other countries). Market research reports on over 700 different industries in the United States, organized by NAICS code. Market Research Reports All our market research is available in the U.S. Government Export Portal, free to registered users. The purpose of market research is to examine the market … UW Libraries COVID-19 Updates. Course Reserves Library materials reserved for your classes. Reports discuss brand share, consumer preferences, market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics, and market forecasts. Market Research Library The Market Research Library makes valuable ATM industry information readily available to ATMIA members to advance decision-making and strategic thinking. Market research reports and data on insights and trends related to digital marketing/advertising, mobile, retail & ecommerce, social media, and more. BCC Research provides in-depth market research reports covering technology, science, and healthcare sectors. Mobile Search Tools Mobile-optimized research databases and library … Research and analysis on technology management issues and trends. A statistics portal that integrates data from reliable sources on thousands of topics. Virtual reference library of eBooks on business topics such as market research, business plans and industries. Provides market research reports in several broad categories of consumer markets in the US. Provides market research reports in several broad categories of consumer markets in the US. Visit The Library's electronic database … US demographic, psychographic, consumer spending on specific products, business, and marketing data from national to census block level. Want to know if your idea is patentable? Market share and corporate strategies. Worldwide consumer products statistics, forecasts, consumer lifestyles, demographics, trends, economics and other factors that affect product purchase. Market Research Step 2 - Describe Your Customers or Clients; Market Research Step 3 - Locate Your Competition; Other Resources; Maureen Perault Maureen Perault. Also includes industry reports. Market Share Reporter lists the top players and market segments for hundreds of products and industries. Industry profiles for U.S., China, and worldwide sectors. If you have not already joined the … Special issues include an annual ranking of the top 100 corporations according to ad expenditures. Off-the-shelf market research reports provide quantitative and qualitative data with industry overviews, competitive analysis, market trends, product innovations within category, buyer behavior, market share, etc. The reports include key statistics, market segmentation, life cycle, … Available to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff. D&B Hoovers (formerly OneSource) Contains Freedonia and other excellent industry market research … video, etc. Provides the fulltext of market research reports in these product categories: beauty, personal goods and toiletries; clothing, footwear and accessories; drink and tobacco; electrical goods; food and foodservice; health and wellbeing; holidays and travel; house and home; leisure time, lifestages; media, books, and stationery, personal finance; retail; and technology/telecoms. Marketing strategies and activities of the major advertising agencies, agency profiles, case histories, client profiles, and news. Consumer behavior, lifestyle, demographics, and geographic reports. Combine them to find a competitive advantage for your small … Then select the Reports tab in the results. Includes over one million company profiles and ratings from international & local rating agencies as well as company and industry news from thousands of foreign national and international newspapers, magazines, and journals. Create maps and tables of demographic, business, and marketing variables. Critical Role of Market Research Basic Method to Get Information and Feedback from Customers Some Major Sources of Market Research Information Additional Perspectives on Conducting Market Research Sources of Market Research InformationAlso consider Related Library Topics Business Research - to plan your market research This guide describes databases, journals and websites, that provide market research. Provides professional-level market research on the e-commerce, online media, and internet marketing industries. Jointly funded by the University Library and Campus CIO. Includes over 70,000 data variables related to demographics, employment, real estate & housing, crime, businesses, consumer spending, and points of interest data from the US Census, historical US Census data (2000), SimmonsLOCAL data from Experian, and Nielsen Claritas PRIZM data. 2011 Call Number: UniM Giblin Eunson 658.83 … Let this Library website be your guide. Magazines, newspapers and journals in all business disciplines. For market research reports, search by product or industry keyword. For all major advertising and brand management journals, as well as trade journals for specific industries, such as AdWeek, Advertising Age, Brandweek, Brand Strategy, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Women’s Wear Daily, and more. You can still access the UC Berkeley Library’s services and resources during the closure. Reports cover specific product/country markets and discuss market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics, and market forecasts. Copyright © The Regents of the University of California. Company and industry profiles, market research … This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Topics include software, hardware, cloud computing, and Internet of Things, among others. CPI, PPI, employment, inflation calculator, and much more. Includes daily research articles, analyst reports, and a database of e-business and online marketing statistics, aggregated and analyzed from over 2,800 sources. A concise guide to market research : the process, data, and methods using IBM SPSS statistics by Erik Mooi, Marko Sarstedt. Reports are available for individual countries, world regions as well as globally. Worldwide coverage. Industries include: Aerospace and Defense; Automotive and Transportation; Chemicals, Materials and Food; Electronics and Security; Energy and Power Systems; Environment and Building Technologies; Healthcare; Industrial Automation and Process Control. Aerospace & Defense; Automotive & Transportation; Chemicals, Materials & Food; Electronics & Security; Energy & Power Systems; Environment & Building Technologies; Healthcare; Industrial Automation & Process Control; Information & Communication Technologies; and Measurement & Instrumentation. Award Winning Global Research Our award-winning analysts provide insightful, objective and in-depth research to help you make informed investing decisions. Ongoing census of demographics of US cities, counties and states. Consumer demographics, lifestyle, and product trend analysis. Social media, e-commerce in major industries, media usage, measures of click through rates, pay per click, Big Data, retail. IBISWorld contains U.S. and global industry market research reports, including a specialized collection of China Industry Reports. All rights reserved. Clients can access our full suite of proprietary BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research … Marketing includes products, packaging, brands, new product development, pricing, promotion, location, segmentation by geography, by social culture, by consumer profiles, etc.. Primary data is collected by surveys, observation, focus groups by marketing firms hired for primary research… A collection of market research reports for over 700 U.S. industries and almost 60 global industries. Demographics, lifestyles, and trends. Maps and reports based on U.S. Census and other data sources, 1790 to present. The following databases have market shares as reported in various trade association and business magazines: American Community Survey  BusinessUSA Access the Market Research Library USE THE TOP BOX FOR SEARCHING. Collections & Archives Unique online and physical collections on specific subjects, in distinct formats, and in special archives. Market Research Library. Market research reports and statistics on digital consumers and online marketing strategies. It is important to critically review and assess demand for your product, as well as factors related to a given … Bureau of Labor Statistics  Each report includes statistical data and analysis of the competitive landscape, market size, segmentation, market … Categories covered: beauty, personal goods and toiletries; clothing, footwear and accessories; drink and tobacco; electrical goods; food and foodservice; health and wellbeing; holidays and travel; house and home; leisure time, lifestages; media, books, and stationery, personal finance; retail; and technology/telecoms. Frost & Sullivan is a business consulting firm involved in market research … Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Article database that includes trade publications, academic journals, industry profiles, country information and … Annual compilation of market share statistics for products and companies. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. American buyers : demographics of shopping. BCC Research provides objective, unbiased measurement and assessment of market opportunities with detailed market research reports. Data & reports on consumers, marketing and companies around the world. Topics include market research and trend analysis on Internet, e-business, online marketing… It further … Geographic emphasis is on the U.S. and Europe., The American marketplace : demographics and spending patterns. Market research is essential for any business organization that wishes to stay in business. Market research for the information technology, telecommunications and consumer technology markets. Primary data is collected by surveys, observation, focus groups by marketing firms hired for primary research. Choose Industry Profiles or Market Research Reports. Social-science data and statistics from a variety of sources. Includes advertising and marketing activities of large brands. Worldwide science and technology market analysis, technical insights and industry reports. In-depth coverage of company analysis, industry research, economic reports, forecasts, market dailies, macroeconomic statistics, deals, and financial reports for emerging market economies. Reports provide market size forecasts and projections as well … A significant amount of it is available to ATMIA … The Gartner Campus Access program provides faculty, students, and staff access to the authoritative Gartner research library which helps translate complex IT issues into comprehensive advice and meaningful analysis. Worldwide. Just login and read it! Provides "top ten" rankings of companies, products, services, and business-related activities compiled from a variety of published sources. Market research, news, trends,reports and top companies in the business of robotics. Our experienced industry analysts assess growth opportunities, market … Avenue, a user-based library of global market report database, provides comprehensive reports pertaining to the world's largest emerging markets. Indexing, abstracts, and (in many cases) the full text of articles for the most important scholarly business journals as well as popular and trade magazines and newsletters. Topics covered include: automotive, beauty, drink, food, clothing and apparel, leisure & entertainment, travel etc. Local, regional and international newspapers, trade publications, press releases, media transcripts, and news websites. Marketing includes products, packaging, brands, new product development, pricing, promotion, location, segmentation by geography, by social culture, by consumer profiles, etc. All e-commerce statistics and reports. Americans and their homes : demographics of homeownership, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License. This guide includes pointers to many important sources of statistical data on income, consumption, and demographics, to help you understand and define the market … Competitive analysis helps you make your business unique. Ongoing census of demographics of US cities, counties and states. Access the U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library containing more than 100,000 industry and country-specific market … The Market Research Library. Here’s how. International market research is a key piece of successful export planning. Reports are typically 30-60 pages in length and include key statistics, market … Secondary data is from trade organizations, government sources, securities analysts, commercial publishers who create off-the-shelf market research reports. (Formerly known as SimplyMap.). Gartner is the global leader in providing accurate and current research for the IT industry. A market analysis is a regional and neighborhood study of economic, demographic and other factors made to determine supply and demand, market trends, and to evaluate actual or potential sales of a product or service. Except where otherwise noted, this work is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License. The library subscribes to many electronic databases that provide market research reports, articles, and statistics on trends affecting your industry. Access to Waterloo's subscription databases that provide you with a competitive advantage.