To earn one of these FAA certificates, a foreign pilot first needs to receive an FAA private pilot certificate through the conversion process, then complete the commercial or ATP certificate through traditional training. Our tablet-friendly eFIRC allows you to complete the course on your own time. Complete this form and mail or fax with payment information to: Instructor Refresher Course. Hangaaar's Instrument Rating Ground School (IFR) - INRAT Course contains everything required for a private pilot to obtain their Instrument Rating. The instructor is undergoing follow-up action with respect to their flight test record (421.67)., This course is aimed for pilots with a lapsed type rating for more than 3 months but less than a year. Transport Canada Approved. All airlines in Canada,… Though these topics may sound daunting at first, the courses are designed for all levels of instructors, including Class 4. Flight Instructor Refresher Course ***Click here for important updates on COVID-19 and our FIRCs. Transport Canada allows flight instructors to renew their ratings through a professional development course, instead of doing a flight test. ... Pilot’s Operating Handbook. Join us for Professional Development of your aviation instructional techniques along with this exciting opportunity to renew your Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating. Other aviation instructors will find great value in attending one of these courses as well, such as instructors who normally teach in gliders, balloons, gyroplanes or ultra-light aeroplanes. This Transport Canada approved three day course offers engaging and stimulating activities such as presentations, videos, group exercises, workshops, open discussions, role-playing, assignments and quizzes. Next ACP courses in 2021 are Feb 22‑25, Apr 13‑15, Jun 7‑10, Sep 20‑23, Oct 26‑28 and Nov 15‑18. That's why you'll want to take the preparation for these difficult tests (the CFI/FOI written tests and the CFI checkride) so seriously. Instructors practicing good pre-flight briefing techniques during a role-playing exercise. This course follows suit with all other aviation courses, the timeline depends on the student and their availability to fly. The FIRC originally began in 1951 as a Transport Canada (TC) initiative. When so notified, refunds will be processed after the course in accordance with the following policy: Where the person cancels more than 14 days prior to the course, there will be a $50 cancellation fee and the remainder of the fees paid will be refunded. All courses will include the following topics: Courses will also include a sampling of the following topics: Training sessions will be presented by Subject Matter Experts who may hold a Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating, be a Pilot Examiner, be a Chief Flight Instructor, or have expertise in the subject matter being presented. Many instructors are unfamiliar with, or reluctant to use, this method of renewal, so let’s take a look at what a FIRC is. (amended 1999/03/01), (a) successfully completes a flight test for the appropriate flight instructor rating; While a flight test proves you meet the minimum standards, a professional development program gives you the opportunity to invest in … The FIRC modules are led by experienced flight instructors, pilot examiners and industry experts. Garmin GPS – An Introduction to Integrated GPS/NAV/COM Receivers, Garmin GNS 430/530 and 430W/530W Training, Aspen Avionics EVOLUTION Flight Display Systems, Restricted Operator Certificate-Aeronautical,, Garmin GPS – An Introduction and Application, by mailing a cheque to NavPath Aviation Ltd at the address below, by securely paying on-line with your PayPal account, or credit card, to NavPath Aviation Ltd through the NavPath website, Teaching Knowledge Requirements – Written Examination Results – Weak Knowledge Areas, Teaching Flight Exercises – Flight Test Results – Weak Skill Areas, The Principles of Learning and the Techniques of Instruction – Flight Instructor Guide, Managing Training – Supervision – Operational Control – Safety Management – Training Records, Scenario-based Training – Developing Lesson Plans – Effective Use of Teaching Aids, Human Factors – Threat and Error Management – Pilot Decision-making, Preparing Students for Flight Tests – Flight Test Guides, Medical Factors for Flight Instructors – CAME, Insurance Considerations for Flight Instructors, Teaching Initial Class 4 Flight Instructor Rating, Presentation Skills Workshop – Role Playing, Teaching Multi-Engine Rating and Instrument Rating, Pilots and flight instructors on aeroplanes and helicopters, Military pilots with experience in training and operations, Corporate pilots and airline pilots with experience on domestic and international operations, Lawyer with experience in aviation litigation, Doctor authorized as a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner, Inspectors with Transport Canada or the Transportation Safety Board, Insurance specialist in the aviation industry. Navajo PA-31 350 Chieftain; Cessna C172 P/N Models; Piper PA38 ... Refresher Course Registration. This year’s deadline for submission is September 14, 2020. They consistently provide positive and challenging flight training sessions geared to the experience level of the student. The flight instructor rating was valid on the first day of the course; and c. The course is for the same category as the instructor rating held. It includes all of the topics on the Flight Instructor Written Test Guide. In many cases, a licensed pilot completes the instructor rating with one or  two Class 1 instructors and often works at the same location once rated. (3) An application for renewal for a flight instructor rating based on your successful completion of a flight instructor refresher course will be accepted by Transport Canada where: (5) Renewal will be based on the last day of the course. REGISTRATION FORM. 26-0083) to the Pilot Examiner, an Authorized Person, authorized for the Flight Instructor Rating or a Transport Canada office. 61.197. Course material focuses on new skills and knowledge. Integrated Airline Transport Pilot License; Ground School; Recreational License; Private License; Commercial License; Night Rating; Multi-Engine Rating; Instrument Flight Rules; Aerobatics Training; Flight Instructor Rating; Our Planes. Please check the appropriate section of the Canadian Aviation Regulation Standards 421 to determine your personal requirements for renewal. A pre-course package will be emailed to the provided address within 30 days of the course start date. Canada Flight Supplement. In addition to renewing an instructor rating, the FIRC is an outstanding avenue for professional development, which addresses the above issues. A: Your initial Class IV Flight Instructor Rating (aeroplane) is valid for 13 months following issuance. Flight instruction is an important part of the aviation industry and flight instructors are professionals who should be constantly improving. completion of a flight instructor refresher course will be accepted by Transport Canada where: a. The School’s flight instructors are among the world’s most experienced. Michael Schuster is an ATP Class 1 Instructor and authorized FIRC course provider. (2) For instructors whose instructor rating will expire soon after the completion of the course, the second certified copy could be kept and be used as proof of temporary privileges for 90 days following the date of the signature.