When there are times a congregant sends you a positive email about the worship service or someone on staff gives you some encouragement about last week’s songs, pass it on! The next key characteristic is humility. We need to be strengthened, like Jonathan strengthened David (1 Samuel 23:16). Examples: “Let’s experience the joy of singing to the Lord freely!” All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. The best way to encourage your worship leaders is to show them Christ, and often, this can be done by showing them how Christ is working through their ministry. Attend as many conferences as you can. So thank you from one of your needy church attenders who finds great help worshiping once a week with you. It shows that they consider worship leaders as thoughtful people who can answer questions and provide clarity. But like any leadership position, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to … When people talk about music, the place where the conversation usually begins (and often ends) is about preference. Look for teaching moments and opportunities anywhere you can. And that encouragement should include your worship leader. Here are three ways to encourage the worship leader at your church this weekend. metaphor, but her comment misses a very important truth. Consider saying, “Parts of that song confused me. The worship leader’s task is to map out a path to the throne of God that others can follow. If you’re not already proficient at playing a musical instrument, consider learning to play one so that you’re not entirely dependent on other musicians. The question “Who wrote the Bible?” has a double answer: God and man. And that encouragement should include your worship leader. Can you help me understand?”. So, let’s discuss six ways to become a better worship leader. Listen. People have tried to be encouraging, but for a number of reasons, their efforts have failed. Did you like that song, or not? Worship Vocals, a Conversation with Paul Baloche Take this time to interact with Baloche as he draws from his experiences to help you enhance your talents and strengths as a worship leader. My wife and I have prayed for years that the children of this church would love the Lord Jesus and have their own relationship with God. It also demonstrates and invites trust in the giving and receiving of feedback. But as Americans are now aware, gatherings present a risk for increasing spread of COVID-19 during this Public Health Emergency. People connect better when we rope in emotions and feelings, so feel free to use emotionally descriptive language. When things don’t go well, it can be very tempting for a worship leader to become discouraged. That’s horizontal Christian hedonism. Besides the fact that our preferences are at least peripheral, we ought not to assume that everyone (or even the majority of people at our church) shares those preferences. That’s what we should be on the lookout for in our services. Continual improvement is a quality of every successful leader. Look for open doors to lead worship. Shares. When kids aren’t engaged in worship they’ll get really loud and ask their mom for a snack or jump on their friend’s back and try to tackle him. Consider encouraging your worship leader with words like, “That song was celebratory and it helped me feel the victory that is ours because of the Lord Jesus.” Or instead of saying, “I really liked the violin” (or the pipe organ, or the reverse headstock electric guitar), consider saying, “That quieter instrumental section of that song helped me lament my sin and the brokenness of our world.” That’s following the exhortation “to stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). We had sung a particularly raucous song that morning and as I saw him approach, I braced for criticism. 5. Worship leaders are real people who have jobs, families, hobbies, projects, etc. PUT YOURSELF UNDER AUTHORITY As a worship leader, you are under the authority of the senior pastor, youth pastor, and … You will catalyze your Worship Leader’s success with steady doses of time, appreciation, support, fun, clarity, equipping, vision, resources, and challenge. And look at you, here reading this post, making this phrase ring true in your life as well. Did you like that song, or not? But when I come to worship the greatness of all that God is for us in Christ along with the saints at church, my burdens are lifted in an unusual way, and my hope for breakthroughs grows, and my joy rises. They want God to make them more aware of his presence and activity. Do this to get some fresh perspective on our worship sessions on engaging your church. Consider saying, “Parts of that song confused me. Worship is not about gratifying our personal preferences, but about drawing our hearts to Jesus (John 4:24). Worship should be all about praising God, and as a worship leader, your main purpose is to encourage the entire congregation to praise God through song and prayer. Which brings me to encouragement number two. Christ has not only saved us from the wrath of God, but transformed us and saved us from the sinful nature that destined us for that wrath. Millions of Americans embrace worship as an essential part of life. Realize that any good work will always be a target for evil. The right set list When putting together your set list, resist the temptation to select songs just based on their... 3. done by showing them how Christ is working through their ministry A podcast to help ordinary worship leaders select new songs, choose the right key, and adapt each song to meet the unique needs and abilities of their church. The greatest joy of a worship leader is when people see more of Christ, when people’s burdens are lifted by Christ, when their hope and joy in Christ begins to rise. SERVE YOUNG LEADERS . Maggie Quinlan April 17, 2020 COVID-19, News 1 Comment 709 Views. Visual Presentation. Make work fun. When considering what to say when leading praise and worship, it’s also important to speak like a human—so using emotional language is perfectly fine—after all, we are emotional creatures!. 13; 1 . They want God to make them more aware of his presence and activity. Encouragements like this have stirred me up many times in ministry. 4. 4. The best way to encourage your worship leaders is to show them Christ, and often, this can be done by showing them how Christ is working through their ministry. This explains why the phrase ‘leaders are readers’ is so popular. I’m very encouraged when someone asks about a song, my job, or about how they can best pray for me or my family. well, worse. Seek to keep their spirits high. in Jesus Christ. The best way to encourage your worship leader is to worship God. . Sometimes the reactions have been wonderful — insightful, helpful, and encouraging. Every leader in Christ’s church should desire to be an example to the flock (1 Peter 5:3), and it is encouraging to worship leaders (especially young worship leaders, see 1 Timothy 4:12) to know that their example has stirred up your faith. It is common to try to encourage a worship leader by saying, “Hey, I really like that new song!” But when talking about worship, our musical preferences are at least peripheral, if not irrelevant. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. The highest compliment you can pay him or her, is to draw near to God yourself during worship. In the previous posts we’ve looked at pastoral responsibility and ideas on how to develop team building sessions with your worship team. We need to be strengthened, like Jonathan strengthened David (1 Samuel 23:16). Other times, they have been . I can’t think of a better way to learn how to become a worship leader than to serve under someone who is doing the thing you want to do. Winkel’s helpful suggestions, adapted from an earlier article published in Modern Liturgy are one small example of the care with which Roman Catholic leadership is attempting to encourage congregational singing. #1 – Worship. … “Worship is not about gratifying our personal preferences, but about drawing our hearts to Jesus.” Tweet Share on Facebook The best worship leaders constantly fight against pride and strive to remain humble, teachable, and approachable. And so comments (even comments meant to encourage) that draw their focus back on themselves are usually unhelpful. Much like choosing a good pair of running shoes, use the music & words … People have tried to be encouraging, but for a number of reasons, their efforts have failed. The goal of worship leaders is to be focused on the Lord and to allow their countenance and gestures to react naturally to that focus. Thank you!”. Women that worship (WTW) is a community designed for female worship leaders, songwriters, artists, and church leaders in ministry. And, of course, we all have musical styles and songs that we really like. Encouragements like this have stirred me up many times in ministry. Besides the fact that our preferences are at least peripheral, we ought not to assume that everyone (or even the majority of people at our church) shares those preferences. In general, worship leaders work hard to forget about themselves, calling out to God to lift their eyes off themselves. Below is a list of actions to consider to help protect our communities and slow the spread of COVID-19. Sometimes you want to encourage your worship leader to change something in their worship ministry. It is common to try to encourage a worship leader by saying, “Hey, I really like that new song!” But when talking about worship, our musical preferences are at least peripheral, if not irrelevant. When this happens, the congregation is fed, the pastor is encouraged, and Christ is glorified. When someone comes to a worship leader with a thoughtful question, it is very encouraging. In closing, let me paraphrase a note I received from a longtime member of a church where I served. 1. “Then don’t put drums on my hymns.” I thanked her for her vivid (even visceral!) with music, thereby motivating the gathered church. But instead of saying, “I didn’t like that song,” say something more constructive to your worship leader. metaphor, but her comment misses a very important truth. Other times, they have been . Choose singable songs The best songs are often easiest to learn. Help young worship leaders grow by leading kids in worship. Recently, my life has been filled with trials, and my heart is often heavy. When adults aren’t engaged in worship they’ll stand there like a robot. Editors’ note: This article originally appeared at Desiring God. Worship is not about gratifying our personal preferences, but about drawing our hearts to Jesus (John 4:24). For many faith traditions, gathering together for worship is at the heart of what it means to be a community of faith. When someone comes to a worship leader with a thoughtful question, it is very encouraging. Humans held the quill, but God ultimately inspired their words. 5. 3. These new songs are an answer to our prayers.”. Great worship leaders have a heart for the people they are serving; both their teams and their congregations. Become a better mentor. Notice how I used the words “fight” and “strive”. Always be encouraging in your preaching and personal contact. Gatherings with families Our mission is to see women living out a lifestyle of worship, rooted and grounded in the word of God, that radiates the love of Jesus Christ wherever we go. While our recognition of the evil one’s power is not something about which to be obsessed, we must be cognizant of the power of evil; for worship leaders to become discouraged and lackluster would signal victory for the devil. Just a quick thank you for the incalculable gift of corporate worship. Over the twenty years that I have led worship for a local church, I have received thousands of post-service reactions. Instead of modeling personal worship on stage, focus on leading community worship. Recently, a senior saint encouraged me after a service. - Ephesians 5:18-19. When this happens, the congregation is fed, the pastor is encouraged, and Christ is glorified. Let them know you believe in them and know they can “do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Over the twenty years I have led worship for a local church, I have received thousands of post-service reactions. The rest is, as they say, history. . 3) Humility. Recently, a senior saint encouraged me after a service. Instead, he surprised me and said, “This morning was an answer to prayer. well, worse. How you can help your worship leader, When Bible-believing Christians consider worship services, they often think of Hebrews 10:25: “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some.” When we gather together, the author of Hebrews writes, it’s for the purpose of “encouraging one another.”. Which brings me to encouragement number two. People mean well when they tell a worship leader, “You really got into that song!” But a more thoughtful encourager might say, “You really led us by example in celebrating the riches that are ours in Christ.” Or, instead of saying, “I noticed you raised your hands a lot more than usual,” consider saying, “You lifted my attention to the Lord with your songs, your prayers, and even your gestures. Strike up a conversation and let it be known that you care. “Then don’t put drums on my hymns.” I thanked her for her vivid (even visceral!) As we mature in Christ, the joy of other people in the body becomes our joy. Maybe they should, especially in congregations where new worship leaders are involved. The stakes are too high: we need to gather together and worship God. . As we mature in Christ, the joy of other people in the body becomes our joy. Consider encouraging your worship leader with words like, “That song was celebratory and it helped me feel the victory that is ours because of the Lord Jesus.” Or instead of saying, “I really liked the violin” (or the pipe organ, or the reverse headstock electric guitar), consider saying, “That quieter instrumental section of that song helped me lament my sin and the brokenness of our world.” That’s following the exhortation “to stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). And, of course, we all have musical styles and songs that we really like. We need your help, as Dr. Mandy Cohen, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, outlines in this letter. Great worship leaders often start as musicians or vocalists on teams that others lead. The goal of worship leaders is to be focused on the Lord and to allow their countenance and gestures to react naturally to that focus. One morning, after a worship service, a lady approached me and asked, “Do you put ketchup on your ice cream?” Confused, I shook my head, no. . The more comfortable you are with your voice, instrument, and the songs, the more freedom you’re going to encourage when you lead worship. Remember that the pastor of your church is just as much or more the worship leader as you are. Recently, my life has been filled with trials, and my heart is often heavy. All rights reserved. Can you help me understand?”. Home / COVID-19 / Local faith leaders find ways to encourage worship at home. Encourage people. Thank you!”. Consider how broad and varied the church of Jesus Christ really is: the older hymn that didn’t connect with you blessed a senior saint in your church who is trusting God as she walks through a health scare; that brand new, loud song that jarred with your contemporary disinclinations encouraged that college student who blasted it through her car speakers during the drive to church this morning. Consider how broad and varied the church of Jesus Christ really is: the older hymn that didn’t connect with you blessed a senior saint in your church who is trusting God as she walks through a health scare; that brand new, loud song that jarred with your contemporary disinclinations encouraged that college student who blasted it through her car speakers during the drive to church this morning. By eliminating both the stumbling blocks and the theatrics that draw attention to the leader and away from God. Matthew Westerholm is the pastor for worship and music at. It also demonstrates and invites trust in the giving and receiving of feedback. through the power of the Holy Spirit, skillfully combining God’s Word. to proclaim the Gospel, cherish God’s presence, and live for God’s glory. That’s what we should be on the lookout for in our services. We can encourage our worship leaders by asking them for their thoughts when elements in our services are confusing. Instead, he surprised me and said, “This morning was an answer to prayer. Every leader in Christ’s church should desire to be an example to the flock (1 Peter 5:3), and it is encouraging to worship leaders (especially young worship leaders, see 1 Timothy 4:12) to know that their example has stirred up your faith. Seder plate/DepositPhoto. When things don’t go well, it can be very tempting for a worship leader to become discouraged. Nevertheless, we will not always agree on what styles, songs, or sounds will do this best. Sing praises to the LORD, O … Share this story! Asking them what are potential causes of disengagement and discussing possible solutions to overcome them is a fantastic leadership practice—sadly ignored by many worship leaders. 14. On the surface, worship leading looks simple. Just pick a few songs, practice a little with the band, and you’re set to go. But when I come to worship the greatness of all that God is for us in Christ along with the saints at church, my burdens are lifted in an unusual way, and my hope for breakthroughs grows, and my joy rises. Today, I realized that having their own faith meant having their own songs. Leading worship for the first time can be a daunting task. When Bible-believing Christians consider worship services, they often think of Hebrews 10:25: “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some.” When we gather together, the author of Hebrews writes, it’s for the purpose of “encouraging one another.”. Forward positive comments. We can encourage our worship leaders by asking them for their thoughts when elements in our services are confusing. It shows that they consider worship leaders as thoughtful people who can answer questions and provide clarity. The goal of worship leaders, then, is not to star in a great performance, but rather to become transparent prompters who help focus worship on God. Sometimes you want to encourage your worship leader to change something in their worship ministry. Sometimes the reactions have been wonderful — insightful, helpful, and encouraging. Encouragement for Worship Leaders in small churches Sometimes leading worship in a small church can be frustrating – often we want more budget, or more volunteers, etc. In 2016, Worship Leader Probs began as an Instagram account. fellow worship leaders globally. https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/three-ways-to-help-your-worship-leader Local faith leaders find ways to encourage worship at home. Over the years that account has grown to more than 92,000 followers. How does that happen? In closing, let me paraphrase a note I received from a longtime member of a church where I served. magnifies the greatness of God. By Maggie Quinlan. That’s horizontal Christian hedonism. When people talk about music, the place where the conversation usually begins (and often ends) is about preference. The greatest joy of a worship leader is when people see more of Christ, when people’s burdens are lifted by Christ, when their hope and joy in Christ begins to rise. I encourage you to continually develop yourself as a worship leader by reading books and studying other types of materials about worship and leadership. People mean well when they tell a worship leader, “You really got into that song!” But a more thoughtful encourager might say, “You really led us by example in celebrating the riches that are ours in Christ.” Or, instead of saying, “I noticed you raised your hands a lot more than usual,” consider saying, “You lifted my attention to the Lord with your songs, your prayers, and even your gestures.