The thing to remember is every parent is different and you know yours best. The best thing you can do right now is to keep your emotions steady and encourage your daughter to take responsibility for her actions and accept the consequences. In this poem on teenage pregnancy, a teenage girl writes about the trauma of getting pregnant while being still in school. Taking a pregnancy test three days after sex or conception is too early. "We do about 3,500 births a year, and we probably see this a few times a year," she told CBS Boston . During the new patient history, Dr. Wilson asks, “Are you sexually active now, or do you plan to be?” Jennifer hesitates to answer. Teenage Pregnancy: 10 Tips for Telling Your Parents ... You may be closer to one than the other, but if you do want to tell them you are pregnant, here a few things to consider. The many hormonal changes your body goes through are to … If a woman wants to know whether she is pregnant within three days after conception, then she must look for early signs. If there is uncertainty and your partner does not know when they became pregnant, you might need to have a test to establish paternity. She made the adult decision to have sex, and now she is faced with the adult consequence of pregnancy. The media image of pregnant teenagers and young parents can be very negative, promoting the idea that young people become pregnant for financial reasons or for want of a responsible attitude. Case Jennifer, 15, is a sophomore at Middlefield High School who has made an office appointment with Dr. Wilson, an ob-gyn, for the first time. Think how frightened she must be! During the entire pregnancy, she is haunted by the thought that she’s too young to have a baby. In reality, this is … A teen health clinic, such as Planned Parenthood, or a teen pregnancy hotline can guide you and steer you toward resources to support you. This first exercise allows the counselor to develop a relationship with the teen, providing the counselor with an insight about how realistically the pregnant girl views the pregnancy. She even comes under the scrutiny of … Of course, most parents won't react with extreme anger. He or she might do this by first asking the teenager if she is able to describe the physical changes on her body that pregnancy imposes. While the only definitive way to know whether you’re pregnant with twins is an ultrasound, some symptoms may suggest that a little something extra is happening on the inside. False negative pregnancy tests are very common. Teenage pregnancy is often a very emotive subject. It may also be helpful to research paternity laws in your state, which will cover your rights and responsibilities throughout your partner's pregnancy … Pregnancy is foreign to her. Dever said it's not the first time she's seen a pregnant woman miss all the signs. The American Pregnancy Association says that mood swings are a normal part of being pregnant. The major cause of false negative pregnancy test is taking the pregnancy test too soon.