It is used to make the hard shell on a skittle. For this science experiment you will need: candy hearts; water; vegetable oil; vinegar; lemon juice Diet Mountain Dew lost 33% mass while regular Mountain Dew lost 16%. Sprite’s first ingredient is carbonated water and it has 24 grams of sugar. Some may dissolve and some may not. Why do the Gummi Bears get larger instead of dissolve in the water? Vinegar. Candy Cane Experiment – dissolving candy canes You’ll need: 3 containers of the same size. Even the candy bars used in the Sink and Float activity began to dissolve after a short time in water (not a pretty sight!). Candy Do different liquids dissolve a certain type of candy quicker? The secret is gelatin – one of the main ingredients in the candy bears. Placing the candy in different liquids represents things you might drink while eating a mint. Will crushing the candy ahead of … Check out this cool dissolving candy hearts science experiment. The liquids affect the carnauba wax causing it to dissolve. We first compared diet soda versus regular soda. Initiate a conversation about which liquids caused the candy to dissolve faster or slower and encourage the kids to make their own theories as to why that happened! If desired, repeat the experiment using different room-temperature liquids such as vinegar, liquid dish soap, oil, soda pop, etc. Continue checking the candy hearts every 2 to 5 minutes, making note of the changes. Science Behind the Dissolving Candy Cane Experiment Candy canes are essentially made of sugar, and sugar is made of large molecules called sucrose. What will dissolve the candy faster? The results might surprise you! Your students will be observing how the candy hearts dissolve in four types of household liquids. Diet Coke lost 29% of its mass, while regular Coke lost 25%. Discuss which liquids caused the candy hearts to dissolve faster/slower and why. What about different liquids, like vinegar? As she dissolves candy canes in different liquids, try and guess which one you think will be the most effective: Learn more about applying the scientific method . Dissolving Candy Hearts Science Experiment. What is solubility? You can try different liquids to experiment with, also. Everything else ( size of candy cane, time the cane cane is in the solution and amount of solution ) is the same. Cold Water. This is a simple science fair experiment for young children – you can mix up the experiment or change the variables, by using different types of dissolving candies, like Skittles, Lifesavers, etc, different types of liquids like soda, milk, water, etc or by changing the temperature of the water. In this experiment the variable is the solution the candy canes are sat in. (How does hot water affect the candy versus room temperature water? Take out the candy canes from the liquids and discuss which liquids caused the candy canes to dissolve faster/slower and why. In both cases, the diet lost more mass. Most sugary candies dissolve when left in water. Hypothesis: If bleach has a strong effect on clothing and other materials, then it will dissolve the smarties candy the quickest because, the acid in the bleach will burn through and dissolve the smarties If you want to take it a bit further you could set up the experiment to test ways to make the candy dissolve faster. Method Why do Skittles dissolve in liquids? Skittles react differently to different liquids depending on the liquids amount of sugar and carbonation. Hot Water. Watch what happens when hearts are left in different liquids such as water, oil, hydrogen peroxide, distilled vinegar and more! Check out this simple, creative activity you can do with your students, using candy hearts and several kinds of liquids. Vinegar, fizzy drinks, soda pop, oil, even liquid dish soap!