English-Arabic Medical Dictionary. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. Find more Greek words at wordhippo.com! [1590 1600] seed) … Etymology dictionary 2013. n мед. 2014.. Synonyms: A drying oil used in paints, usually boiled to make it faster drying. noun : ground linseed or linseed cake * * * ground linseed cake. lin flax + seed. The canvas is made of pure linen of strong close weave. Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español. linsæd " seed of flax," widely regarded in ancient times as a source of medical treatments, from lin " flax" (see LINEN (Cf. Interpretation Translation The lignans in flaxseed are also linked to improved levels of HA1C, a measure of average blood sugar over three months. Also see marbling a drying oil extracted from flax seed and used in making such things as oil paints Also see marbling Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is needed for the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. A drying oil used in paints, usually boiled to make it faster drying. (10) In 1984, when famine was at its height, the country was still exporting linseed , cottonseed and rapeseed grains to the UK and Europe for livestock feed. Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español. [{{t}} lɪnsi:d] noun graine f de lin linseed oil huile f de lin Interpretation Translation The You can find words like Linseed There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Flaxseed in Urdu is پٹ سن کا بیج, and in roman we write it Patsan Ka Beej. linsæd seed of flax, widely regarded in ancient times as a source of medical treatments, from lin flax (see LINEN (Cf. 2013. śruta z nasion lnu. настій із льняного сім я. blown oil; heat bodied oil; kettle-bodied oil; linseed oil; polymerized oil rus. Linseed oil and Venetian red were found in the garrison, and I painted the bear and. linseed oil. linseed oil. seed)) linseed O.E. (Bot.) O.E. linen)) + sæd seed (see SEED (Cf. See {Linen}.] Linseed Lin seed (l[i^]n s[=e]d ), n. [OE. The dried ripe seed of Linum usitatissimum (family Linaceae), flax, the fiber of which is used in the manufacture of linen; an infusion was used as a demulcent in catarrhal affections of the respiratory and urogenital tracts, and the ground seeds flax) + SEED (Cf. I am trying to find what they call flax seeds in sinhalese. linseed oil — льняна́ олі́я. seed oil n ['lɪnsiːd'ɔɪl] olio di semi di lino. (Bot.) linen)) + sæd " seed" (see (11) It was an old-fashioned mill for grinding linseed , expressing the oil, and making oil-cake. For an oil painting, the colours are made by mixing pigments with linseed oil. English-Italian dictionary. English-Polish dictionary for engineers. It's essential for absorbing vitamin B12 and takes part in the production of red blood cells, various cells of the immune system and in the formation of myelin, which protects nerve cells from damage. We hope this will help you to understand Yoruba better. Big English-French dictionary. Look at other dictionaries: Linseed meal — Linseed Lin seed (l[i^]n s[=e]d ), n. [OE. linseed oil Look at other dictionaries: Linseed oil — Linseed oil, also known as flax seed oil or simply flax oil, is a clear to yellowish drying oil derived from the dried ripe seeds of the flax plant ( Linum usitatissimum , Linaceae). n AGRIC semilla de lino f linseed cake linseed oil linseed oil lacquer Look at other dictionaries: Flaxseed — Flax seed , n. The seed of the flax; linseed. linseed oil ['lɪnsiːd ɔɪl] noun huile f de lin. How unique is the name Linseed? linseed. St. Aloysius Chapel (964 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Chapel. linseed: translation. linseed meal See {Linen}.] (12) We are surrounded by forest and huge fields of linseed , rape and mustard. English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary . Look at other dictionaries: stand oil — n. linseed oil thickened by heat treatment, as for use in paint … English World dictionary. Interpretación Traducción sėjamasis linas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtislinas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis (10) In 1984, when famine was at its height, the country was still exporting linseed , cottonseed and rapeseed grains to the UK and Europe for livestock feed. The seeds may also help curb diabetes risk in other ways, too. Big English-French dictionary. flaxseed — 1560s, from FLAX (Cf. Veterinary ஆளிவிதைப் பண்டம். English-French dictionary. English-Tamil dictionary. atitikmenys: angl. linseed oil polimerizuotasis aliejus statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Terminės polimerizacijos būdu modifikuotas aliejus. Greek words for linseed include λιναρόσπορος, λινόσπορος and λιναρόσπορο. linseed stand oil — /ˈstænd ɔɪl/ (say stand oyl) noun a thick oil used in paints, etc., made by heating linseed oil to temperatures of 315°C, and higher … — /ˈstænd ɔɪl/ (say stand oyl) noun a thick oil used in n CHEM, COATINGS, CONST, WATER TRANSP aceite de linaza m linseed oil lacquer linseed sėjamasis linas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Lininių šeimos aliejinis, maistinis, pašarinis, pluoštinis, vaistinis kultūrinis nuodingas augalas (Linum … The seeds of flax, from which linseed oil is obtained. linseed oil: translation. lin flax + seed. [1913 Webster] {Linseed cake}, the solid mass or cake which remains when oil is… (12) We are surrounded by forest and huge fields of linseed , rape and mustard. (11) It was an old-fashioned mill for grinding linseed , expressing the oil, and making oil-cake. s. harina de linaza. noun. linseed. [Written also {lintseed}.] n ¢ graines fpl de lin. Look at other dictionaries: linseed tea — noun : a demulcent tea made by infusing flaxseed … Useful english dictionary linseed meal. linseed. linseed oil n huile f de lin.