If the User is not available, type User Name and click on the Add button.. 4. On File properties screen, select the Sharing tab and click on the Share button.. 3. Not sure if its just a windows 7 thing, but you don't use the /password to set the password, its expected after the sharename, so in the above example just omit the /password: bit. Right-click on the Folder containing Files that you want to share with others and click on Properties.. 2. – Violet Giraffe Oct 19 '15 at 9:21 Select a file, select the Share tab at the top of File Explorer, and then in the Share with section select Specific people.. I cannot confirm your conclusions. In the details pane, right-click the shared folder, and then click Properties. If you select multiple files at once, you can share … Control Panel-> Network and sharing center-> Change advanced sharing settings-> Enable Turn Off password protect sharing option. How to Turn On or Off Password Protected Sharing in Windows 10 When password protected sharing is turned on, only people who have a user account and password on your computer can access shared files, printers attached to your computer, and the Public folders. To password protect a folder in Windows 10, you'll need to open the folder's "Properties" menu. On the Share Permissions tab, set the permissions you want: To assign permissions to a shared folder to a user or group, click Add. If you’ve checked the “Remember my credentials” check box at the Windows Security window, then you will have to go to Control Panel > Credential Manager and remove the saved Windows Credentials by clicking the Remove from vault link. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. Optional: If multiple subnets/VLANs need to access the file share, go into the Windows Defender Firewall, Advanced Firewall Settings, click on “Inbound Rules” and filter by the File and Printer sharing group and profile type. But that other Win 10 PC has Microsoft account, and I can access its share without password. In the past few years, Microsoft has simplified file sharing on Windows a lot. If you wanted to give access to shared files to other people without an account and password on your computer, … Try accessing the shared folder again after 30-60 seconds and you will be asked to enter network password. i.e. I have a problem with sharing my local folder (Windows 10) with another Windows 10 PC. Now, you just need to click a button or two to make your files visible to other users on the same network. Server is running Win Server 2016 and client is Windows 10. I've added "Read" Share and NTFS permissions for Everyone and Guest, enabled the Guest account, turned on all sharing options in network settings, enabled "Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users" in Local Sec Policy.. Optional: Turn off sharing on the “Users” directory that was enabled when the Public Folder sharing was enabled. In the console tree, click System Tools, click Shared Folders, and then click Shares. 1. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com . On the next screen, select the “User” that you want to share files with. To create a basic folder share on Windows 10, use these steps: ... Everyone — Shares the contents with anyone in the network without entering a password to access the files. Anonymous File and Printer Sharing Without Password in Windows 10 / Server 2016 By default, when a user tries to access a network shared folder on a server joined to the Active Directory domain from a workgroup computer, the prompt to enter a domain account credentials appears. net use \\server\share /user:test test – Steve Childs May 2 '16 at 9:03 To share a file or folder in File Explorer, do one of the following: Right-click or press a file, select Give access to > Specific people..