I buy lots of books, and if I bought them through a link on your web site, you’d pick up a little change! She is gone from the world, but she always resented her lack of education. It was grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAT!! And abhor the PC social warriors that massacred Olsen Scott Card. History will not be kind to most public figures from the last decade (especially the mainstream media). Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces! He very much wants to try aerospace. (Damn it. I’m hoping to put out a 20 fairy tale pack…. I’m sorry. I’ve finished the manuscript for a non-fiction Cold War history book. And of course I have no qualms about adding to the comments right now, since you’re going to nuke it anyway. Last year the event drew 125+ attendees and we are planning extensive marketing measures to bring even more potential readers to meet you and discover your books. They get funding per student. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Sarah, Okay—any suggestions for indie history publishers? Prime Curves - The love for curvy naked girls and big boobs girls. And welcome to the rank of those of us not to afraid to dive in. I do think you are wrong — as it’s obvious. Can’t remember the name of it for the life of me. Oh, that was probably deliberate, either to avoid the regulars, or else to put it where everyone could see him “teaching” the writer how to write. I’m clearly a #1 reader. We could, but more people will see it when it’s put up on book plug day (ok, I’m blanking on the day), and it does tend to expand the comments quite a bit. Here are some of the ways you can use Goodreads: “Because they’d speak French.” Well, yes, but the audience doesn’t. Rarely can we point to that one minor moment that changed our lives. Younger son just does engineering and writes! Yeah, still counts as fiction, like when I write about the dead queens…. Don’t know the man and by his remarks have no wish to, but I do suspect that he is either a recent graduate of a creative writing course or dare we speculate, the instructor of such a course. Sorry to barge in… Hey, Mchael W. Perry, it’s awesome that you came to present a lecture on the craft of writing. I’d be happy to use you as beta reader. It might interest you to know, too, that there are about 10 different ways to handle POV not “two ways to write.” I suggest Dwight Swain’s “Techniques of the selling writer.”. Do you ever do public appearances here in Colorado? Hard to tell sometimes if it’s really crumbling barriers to entry or just generally crumbling the walls around everyone. I ought have thought of this last night: good children’s (adult, too, for that matter) books from long ago are a form of time machine, and need to be read and understood as such. You remind me of the man who told me guns don’t zap. many more words under my fingertips. It’s house style. 'Sex and the City' Revival Will Address COVID-19's Affect on New York City, Sarah Jessica Parker Says By Jackie Willis‍ 1:50 PM PST, January 29, 2021 Bill Davila/FilmMagic I have what? When we went to meetings, we found we were the poorest in the room. but the difference in the past; the perspectives are those of a different era and reflect different expectations. My wife loves your books AND you defended Milo in a time of extreme intolerance. Hiya Hoyt, I’ve checked out Madgeniusclub, and I’d still like to get an established press to publish my book. I haven’t had any for ten years. Younger kid does it. I’ve read and enjoyed the Horatio Hornblower novels over the years (haven’t tackeld the Master and Commander series yet). I’d think I was nuts, but I have friends with the same problems. P.S. The best was having no credits, but having every frame rendered every night for 2 1/2 years by George’s studio (you know the George) on a RenderPlex that they paid for with actual money (>$1.6M). In 2016 we just surprised them and the made sure it wouldnt’ happen again. (and yes, that project of mine referenced in all this is publishing today. That doesn’t mean that I would waste time writing about all of that shit because the vast majority of readers don’t give fuck. Could you ping me with his email or remind him he has my card? I was thinking of this while having a cup of coffee, and I realized several things about my writing process, and also why I used “tubes” and why I have my character be in the sort of mild shock where she would call them that, no matter what they were called at that time. B) Line editing and proofreading are actually the same thing. Besides the authors you named, I also enjoyed Andre Norton, Elizabeth Moon and Lois McMaster Build. I wonder what she would say about our lack of schooling today. https://gumshoenews.com/2019/03/31/justice-in-the-lucky-country/. Sarah, I’ve seen lots of your posts on instapundit, and you seem to be in the camp advocating an end to the national shutdown. I’ve wondered if there is a similar sea-faring adventure novel or character set in the Portuguese or Spanish navies. When presenting those “ancient” texts to your son it might be wise to suggest that, just as the Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian etc. I was wondering if you had some recommendations for scifi novels for a 10 year old 5th grade boy. Of course, I haven’t read ANYTHING lately, except research…, Dear Sarah, I suspect a large number of Golden Age books are suitable for the reading level, although the trick is to find the ones he is enamored enough of to stretch for; look at Poul Anderson’s 3 Hearts and 3 Lions, or Pratt & De-Camp’s Harold Shea books. Mackey Chandler doesn’t, and he does pretty well. I shall wait until you have your quidelines posted, and then submit to that email. Good Lord. Hi there. If you have suggestions, they’re welcome. From what I can tell, government monitoring is more aggressive overseas than it is here. Charlie is the one who assembles it, and that makes it easier for him. DO NOT put relish on the books, it stains the paper and makes it hard to read. Just haven’t had time. But it makes such a lasting impact that absolutely no one feels up to reviewing it. (( headdesk)) of course you don’t. As long as his degree says engineering he has something to offer. Paperback available too! May even make a believer out of my wife. Is this something that would interest you, or is there another medium to go into it more at length? I just finished PTerry’s “Going Postal”,(in hardback, with the cover) which I found in a metal and glass box outside an old schoolhouse.(repurposed). Describe events from the character’s perspective, making what he or she knows is what such a person in real life would know. What’s yours? first and second initial, last name, email of heat. BUT it’s not a medical story. [scratching head]. If you could just know how much joy you are giving two rather isolated people… The only thing I can think of that we could offer is editing services, gratis of course… I have experience in editing translations (from Georgian) into idiomatic English, and Brigid excels in punctuation and resolving indefinite references. Next time you see pretty white flowers such as Queen Ann’s Lace or Brome sedge(furry thin brown stems) just remember its a sign that the field lacks enough PH to grow good grass (you know, the stuff cows actually do eat naturally). Have you thought about becoming an Amazon.com affiliate? I was thinking of just using a commercial company to edit, proof, and format. Modeling in excel, you can use what-if analysis tools to forecast the outcome of a worksheet model. Reading novels requires suspending belief. I missed last week; hopefully I can catch next week. For SF novels such as the Lucky Star & Heinlein books there is not only the difference in the future described (sliderules still in use!) The way I “follow” blogs is by using an RSS reader. I’m looking forward to reading your fiction as I try to wash the bad taste of the election away. When you write something people actually want to read, maybe then someone will take your comments about the craft seriously. It’s a “dramatization” of something that supposedly happened. Amazon killed all the affiliate accounts in CO. The vagaries of Amazon’s search function are a mystery to me. Here in the “hills and hollers” our state ag uni actually did a study to find out how much minerals and nutrients are found in a hay bale (1000lb.). French Polished Murder was tres jolie, I still have a few hundreds of your words in my pocket. I know she does it on purpose for us. The problem with farmers is farmers. I really, really hate you. indie is both small publishers and self-owned publishers. When the dust settles and this era of extremist lunacy wanes, you can hold your head high knowing you were not intolerant like the overwhelming majority. . Required fields are marked *. You’re in the bigtime now! In fact it was teaching them WHAT to think. Hi I’m looking for your contact info for a bookreview/post? The ones that go before the link have to be in caps. Clearly, his prose is simply too inspired for mere mortals to comprehend and still remember to write a review. Well, we do if we ever want to see it…. Terry Pratchett’s Johnny Maxwell trilogy is well-suited for what I take as the level you’re indicating. Or at least it has to be an amazing theme/whatever to keep me there. If you mean answering questions like “is this more saleable” sure, if you accept that I have not a clue on most of them. This will require a big, talented team, but you have them (e.g. I’m a nurse. well, that’s beyond the pale. I have no idea what my password is so I cannot access the Subscriber’s Space, in order to discuss this, so I’m resorting to a Comment. I may have mentioned it on your blog before, in which case I apologize for the redundancy. Where there’s a Willis, there’s a way. the writer CAN’T build a whole world. Let us know if we can be of service. Typically they just mine it till it runs dry and move on. Do you know of any fiction authors who have had recent success without using Amazon and social media? Oh, hell, go poke around Madgeniusclub.com If you still want a publisher, let me look at it, I know a few trustworthy ones. The terminology MIGHT be “lines” even in the future, but I’ve trained myself to make a picture in your head in the first paragraph. And I’m trying to clear time to do so mentoring. Thank you so much for recommending Filter Forge (I think both on here and in a column on PJ Media). For engineering students these are paid stints where you usually finish your tour with a job offer pending graduation. Add into the mix that only about 60% (best case) of your fertilizer amounts to anything you’re already up to at least $110/acre just to eliminate the loss (no growth or restoration included). I’m sure others would do so too. Tom Clancy is a good illustration of that kind of writer. Sorry — I just had to ask that. Only an utter idiot would think that. If he wants to try aerospace, please ask him to look at the career section for my company OrbitalATK (www.orbitaltk.com). I submitted it to Baen on a lark but don’t expect I will hear back from them. Seriously, thank you. Sure, we all know it’s lines. A-List Ray R? Lines, Tubes and Channels: And those machines aren’t “making all sorts of noises.” That’s what a untutored visitor to the room thinks. I know. I know how Vox Day and Mr. Wright feel about this. In the last few years, I made myself read as far as I could into novels by mega-sellers like James Patterson and the rest. I know what those “sounds” mean and what all those “lines” are for. Thanks for your books and your blog. We the people need those like you with a public voice to remind us constantly who these tinpot tyrants are, so we can be rid of them at the earliest opportunity. *deigns to actually read the first one* Oh, BotCon. Bruce Willis, 65, was photographed without a face mask in a Rite Aid store in Los Angeles this past Monday. minor quibble with American Tune, though–“Oh, we come on the ship they call the Mayflower I’m a systems and avionics engineer working in Virginia and have been with the company 27 years. You can get their sjws accusing you, but that’s it. I might be able to get you in touch with someone, though. I’m in the pox on both their houses camp, but the truth is the truth. One hundred years ago the dictatorship in Portugal was actually hard Left Anarchist. For what it’s worth, I enjoyed it. Actually, you do. Is it true that the salt in the seas comes from the tears of the Portuguese? Just found your site via the posting by Lehman “Thoughts on the Road”. . Looking at her books was much like the current American reading 19th century schoolbooks. IF it’s not, let them take roll call, then turn off the d*mn thing and teach your kid. Sarah, just a word of thanks. I’m one of the insta-lanche herd that just discovered you. I’ve been following the Ninja Nun comic strip for some time, and just today clicked on links there and found it’s by one of your sons. Not so. People don’t come preassigned with abilities. In a socialist system, the government shuts down any needs above and beyond basic survival. They are invariably arguing with the cardboard cutouts in their heads. But if you’re paying for publicity and “launch” you’re probably being taken. Although obviously I’ve read Darkship Thieves I’m hoping to win Revenge. For such people, patients don’t have “various tubes entering and exiting his body.” They have “lines,” and the fact that they enter or exit is so obvious, it need not be stated. Sarah, I’ve been a longtime follower of your comments on Instapundit. Should I now re-submit all that info along with a blurb? If he has any questions please have him email Regan.howard@orbitalatk.com . Sigh. C) formatting is yet another specialty. yay me.). I only have to be 10x as good as the lefties to keep working. Hi, Thanks And this is critical—when they read, they want their limited world portrayed not the more complex one they take care to avoid. Bummer that that may be, I recall a story by LS deCamp (IIRC) about a man running for his life, having been sexually involved with his host’s child. IF it were, yeah, I’d use probably Chan (and explain) just to be different and give it that futuristic feel. And yes, the same is true of your “Lost and Found.” Those tubes and noises make it impossible for me to believe that the voice I’m hearing it that of an experienced health caregiver. One addition; – you correctly document the nauseating kaleidoscope of madness emanating from the vortex black hole of today’s far extremists, but as predicted in your article, the examples are so increasingly plentiful, that some risk being forgotten (or erased). and thank you for taking time to follow this up, Sarah. You left out “Michael Avenatti for President” week. You have missed a few things, possibly (And I didn’t know there was such an article) like Latin Immigrant, ESL libertarian-conservative woman who writes SF/F. Because that is what we are talking about, isn’t it? | 2257 Legal | Contact: primecurves @ gmail.com, Sometimes all it takes is lingerie, and Sara Willis is all it takes for me to drool. The problem was that no link to the RSS feed appears on your blog page, and since Firefox doesn’t see any link, it doesn’t display the RSS icon in the address bar. Melissa, I’ll remind him, but we’ve been going nuts with work. Do you have any recommendations for reputable companies or freelancers that you trust that do that sort of thing? TxRed has a new book out. Your SF Darkship Series is so damned addictive! Look at Diana Wynne Jones, particularly the Chrestomanci novels, and also some of the Heinlein juveniles wear surprisingly well. It might minimize certain kinds of complaints to which youth are prone (Dad! Now now, this is a perfect example of how a small mind with a little knowledge is a danger not only to himself, but when he waxes poetic about that limited understanding he inflicts his ignorance upon the rest of us. I believe in the idea that inside every progressive/socialist is a tinpot tyrant trying to get out. Not sure how to contact my Instapundit Mistress of the Dark so I’ll put this here. yep. Your email address will not be published. Wants, on the other hand, are infinite. Once he starts reading Pratchett there’s no turning back. Unfortunately it was the same one she had gotten for my birthday, so I took it back to B&A and they happily exchanged it. Finally the aftermath, and how the game plan was in place to defeat each Trump response (e.g. It took three years for a submission of mine to Baen to work its way up the chain before finally being rejected by Toni. writers’ block and writers’ “things” are weird. (I haven’t, because I’ve either been ill or very busy every weekend.) Harrison Bergeron could tell you for sure. and encourage thoughtfulness. Deeply appreciated. It can be… or it can not. Zeb. It’s political, not cultural. Just a “heads up” if no one else has let you know: Death of a Musketeer by Sarah D’Almeida is mentioned by Carolyn Hart in Dare to Die. Honestly, there is a culture more of fitting in and being afraid of sticking out. If Our Beloved Hostess is amenable (I’m not certain whether it’s meant to be only for Huns and Hoydens), I can put it in next weekend’s promo post. And if Rosie hasn’t found Mad Genius Club, there’s a link on the page. Now back to the bale: add the cost of baling at $19/bale (without major breakdowns) to the $26 and your at $45, not including the $36/bale of nutrient recharge for a grand total of $80/bale +/-. Sarah – a family member forwarded me the article “The Higher the Fewer” and I enjoyed it so much that I visited this website. But mostly it’s self-owned. There might even be a “side” post there on how the future was invented, building off the Star Trek communicators stimulating the invention of flip phones, for example. I’m going to delete this in half an hour though, because this page is NOT supposed to have comments Sorry, I thought you meant “indie” as in “independent book publisher.” I will check out Madgeniusclub.com. I’m new to the gig, so things are still shaking out. by David Willis on April 5, 2016 at 12:01 am Posted In: Blog On July 13, 2001, It’s Walky! Sarah, endorsement from an unknown is of little value, but nevertheless I listed A FEW GOOD MEN among my favorite book read this year: http://www.fatherspledge.com/peak-reading-experiences-of-2013.php. You don’t like it, fine. Diving in through book links will do it. The mandatory schooling was to 4th grade, which is all mom had, before being apprenticed, but that’s not to say she wasn’t educated. But my search for a literary agent eventually led me to realize I couldn’t take the normal path. – Publicize upcoming events, such as book signings and speaking engagements She’s scared and in shock. Pornhub's amateur model community is here to please your kinkiest fantasies. This ranges not only from the major — world government (an idea I gather Heinlein gave up on after touring the USSR) — to the minor — what was proper for boys (and girls) to do. Rob. Lars. I’ll try to make it visible, but today WP is acting weird re: inserting links, let alone all the rest. Ack, I couldn’t find a contact page so I’m reaching out through here…. I mean you might have a “publisher” as a… She would really enjoy the Shifters series. The rockets are built mostly in Arizona. Scott Myatt. I couldn’t see anything that was his (as opposed to “so and so and …” that would qualify. My daughter had gotten me one of the Monster Hunter novels. It might have been, except Charlie and I both had weeks from Hades and didn’t check comments. That having been said, this series should be a series of films (not however done by H’wood). Daughters with bad memories are boons to struggling writers. So why did I call them tubes? Horny girl agree for her first time anal sex video-17. If you wouldn’t mind suggesting some good publishers, I would appreciate it. Hm. My website has a summary and sample chapter: www (dot) rosierecord (dot) com Sarah – I ran into you and Dan at the concierge lounge at the end of the LC and I wanted to chat with your husband some more about business aspects. Sarah: Couldn’t READ them. https://accordingtohoyt.com/2007/10/18/why-i-dont-write-fiction-set-in-portugal/ To see you speak up (and one of the few voices on the planet) shows me what you’re made of. There was another book, about a television-addicted boy whose grandfather could do magic, and who had to figure it out for himself after he interrupted his grandpa and got him exiled to another universe. Thanks again and best wishes for a better week! I’m fairly sure I DO have an RSS feed, but let me look and tell you. the mail of heat is sometimes prone to that. I’m a lover of books and hang out on Goodreads. And you know what ours is like. So, that may be one reason why people overseas don’t blog on politics. Oh, did I mention minors in physics and math? A new fan, Hello! It relit a flame that had been snuffed out thirty years earlier. You get equality of poverty, with the people in power getting very rich. I enjoy your books and your comments on Instapundit. Looks like he maybe sells one every couple of months on average if my own records are any indication. Every day. Together, we are a good team. Avid readers are disproportionately those who’re doing so little, they have lots of time to read. I’ll let you know how it goes. I am a grass fed beef farmer so I know. Glenn Reynolds, Roger Simon, Ed Driscoll, Stephen Green, et al). Would you do that, please, so that I can read all your new posts as soon as they appear? _The Magic Grandfather_, by Jay Williams! I sent you the paypal donation, as a way of thanking you for this story.