Join Our Community . Prior Knowledge: List as many historical colonies as you can. Spell. In the case of enclaves in territorial waters, they are called maritime (those surrounded by territorial sea) or lacustrine (if in a lake) enclaves. Search » All » Geography » AP Human Geography » Unit 4. Desiree Jones January 22, 2016 AP Human Geography Territorial Morphology Characteristics of a State State name: Geography. 4. Related Topics. Gained a negative reputation when Hitler and the Nazis embraced geopolitics to justify their right for lebensraum (living space) because of their racial superiority. 2. Every state works with other states in alliances or as rivals. AP Human Geography Unit 4 Political Patterns and Processes Terms Definition Real World Example (with explanation) Ethnicity Identity with a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and cultural traditions Jewish - Judaism religion, languages like Yiddish and Hebrew, originated from Israelites. Solo Practice. "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island (Europe, Asia & Africa); who rules the World-Island controls the world.". AP Human Geography: Unit 4: Political Geography - Part 1: Territoriality and Statehood ... and territorial gain. Students whose schedules conflict will take an alternative AP exam on assigned late-testing date (TBD by College Board) Geography Terms (Territorial Morphology- the study of shapes of country's and the affect the shapes have on humans. Hamilton Southeastern Hs. Ap Human Geography Unit 4 Vocabulary questionAnnexation answerLegally adding land area to a city in the United States, or legally adding land area to a country in the world. Geopolitics describes how geography affects politics and the relations between states. What are some examples of compact states? AP Human Geography. As a result, place has numerous definitions, from the simple “a space or location with meaning” to the more complex “an area having unique physical and human characteristics interconnected with other places.” There are three key components of place: location, locale, and a sense of place. Territorial Morphology Territorial Morphology Relationship between a state?s geographic shape, size, relative location, and it?s political situation Shape of states Controls the length of its boundaries with other states Shape affects potential for communication and conflict with neighbors Shape is part of its identity Shape can determine the difficulty or ease of internal … . Unit 4. Wealth came in the form of resources, land, labor and trade. Lily Taylor. Some colonized for wealth. Search this site. Definition: Relationship between a state’s geographic shape, size, relative location, and it’s political situation. Cultural … Political Geography Before we can discuss devolution, we need to understand the concepts of political geography, which involves states, territories, and boundaries, which are all interrelated and vital to the study of AP Human Geography. (Halford Mackinder) early 20th c. theory that claimed whichever state controlled the resource-rich "heartland" of Eastern Europe could eventually dominate the world. Example Questions. THE CENTRAL FOCUS of POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY is best understood from the point of view of the twin concepts of territory and territoriality. the AP Human Geography topic outline and their ability to apply that knowledge. Share practice link. What is human territoriality? It’s no different than today. vertical plane between states that cuts through the rocks below, and the airspace above (even outer space). Although state legislatures are not required to abide by federal constitutional statutes, they are obligated to apportion according to population, geographic size, special interests, and territorial divisions like counties and towns. (B5) The response earned 1 point in part C for identifying that the Basque region of Spain has pushed for autonomy from the rest of the country. Online Resources. ... Territorial morphology: It can be seperated into five categories- compact, fragmented, elongated, prorupt, perforated ... show Definition … cultural landscape . Ex Thailand, Greece, Democratic of Republic of Congo. Play this game to review Other. Why did Europeans colonize? Liliya Kravets AP Human Geography 01/22/2020 07.03 Territorial Morphology State … a state in which a group or body of members are bound together with a governing representative head. See more ideas about political geography, ap human geography, human geography. "Authority to rule". 82. a symbolically relocated capital city usually because of either economic or strategic reasons; sometimes used to integrate outlying parts of a country into the state (e.g., Brasília, Washington D.C.). Shape affects the potential for communication and/or conflict with … For all of human history, there is always a struggle to maintain territories, build alliances, and ultimately maintain a strong defense. 9th - 12th grade . Sustainability refers to a manner of living in … Jul 9, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Andrew Gloe. AP ® Human Geography Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary Set 1 ... describing that physical geography and territorial size may cause isolation, which may inhibit transportation and communication between regions. Chapter 1: Geographic Foundations. (C2) The response earned an additional 1 point for part C for explaining that … Home Embed All AP Human Geography Resources . refer to supranationalist agreements with two or more states working together for a common purpose. ... territorial morphology. 2. states' navigational and economic sovereign territory extending 12 nautical miles (1 nautical mile = 1.15 statute miles) from the coast (since 1982); foreign ships (both military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it; sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below. 3. Vocabulary. Options. It deals with issues such as defense, foreign affairs, trade, and a common currency. Territoriality. A political unit with a permanent population, territorial boundaries that are recognized by other states an effective government, a working economy and sovereignty. A subdivision of human geography focused on the nature and implications of the evolving spatial organization of political governance and formal political practice on the Earth's surface. attenuated (e.g., Chile, Vietnam,...), two or more separate pieces (e.g., Indonesia, Philippines,...), territory completely surrounds that of another state (e.g., Italy, Azerbaijan,...). Over policies (immigration) Functions of boundary in dispute, Dispute over resources (oil or natural gas), Small outliers of territory which are separated from the rest of the territory by another state. Sovereignty . in situations where there is less than 400 nautical miles. ... is when the definition is not in dispute but the interpretation is. Territorial disputes ; Territorial morphology (compact, fragmented, elongated, prorupt, perforated) Territoriality ; Theocracy ; UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) Unitary See more. Water flows downhill, so mountains and ridge tops define watershed boundaries. Many of those people do not live sustainably . A state in which the distance from the center to any boundary doesn’t vary significantly. The term comes from the Balkan wars, where the country of Yugoslavia was broken up in to six countries between 1989 and 1992. forces that unify a state - national culture, shared ideological objectives, common faith,... forces that divide a state - internal religious, political, economic, linguistic, or ethnic differences. AP Calculus. Not the same thing as an ethnic enclave (e.g., Chinatowns, Little Italys, Little Havana (in Miami),...). An area organized into a political unit ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs . Vocabulary. What happened to these colonies? Chapter 7: Religion. Usually for access to river or ocean, A state that completely surrounds another state, A vertical plane that cuts through the subsoil and airspace, Mountains, rivers, lakes, Rio Grande Us/Mexico, Border before populated boundary that was created before the present day cultural landscape developed. Delete … AP Human Geo test 2 unit 4. It is concerned with why political spaces emerge in the places that they do and with how the character of those spaces affects social, political, economic, and environmental understandings and practices. Conventionally, for the purposes of analysis, political geography adopts a three-scale structure with the study of the state at the centre, the study of international relations (or … Types of Boundaries, Disputes, and Territorial Morphology. Created by. AP Human Geography: People, Place and Cultures. Test. sequent occupance. Related items include “The nation-state concept,” “Challenges to inherited political-territorial ~ Morr borders? Objectives. Includes several discontinuous pieces of territory. Afrikaans for "apartness"; it was the segregation of blacks, coloreds, Asians, and Whites in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. Assimilation. The separated territory, If the piece of territory lies within another country. Saudi Arabia and Yemen/Oman/UAE. ... Territorial Morphology. Test Corrections Sheet. View 07.03 Territorial Morphology.docx from AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 2103400 at Florida Virtual School. Edit. a venture of three or more states (sometimes two or more) involving formal economic, political, and/or cultural cooperation to promote shared objectives. A. Territorial dimensions of politics 1. Liliya Kravets AP Human Geography 01/22/2020 07.03 Territorial Morphology State name Morr é State location Where in the world is the state located? ... Territorial Morphology. Jan 3, 2013 - Images & links relevant to topics for this unit in AP Human Geography--borders & boundaries, nations, states, nation-states, centripetal & centrifugal forces, government types, devolution, electoral geography, Mackinder, critical geopolitics, supranational organizations, etc. For in the contemporary world the state is quite possibly the most important regulatory agent. answer. A state whose territory completely surrounds that of another state. AP Macroeconomics: Monday, May 10th @ 12 noon. Finish Editing. AP Human Geography … Print; Share; Edit; Delete ; Host a game. It was created to keep the white minority in power and allow them to have almost total control over the black majority (~90% of the total population). answer. Vocabulary. Unit 3. physiological density AP Geography. Great wall of China, Berlin wall. 07.03 Territorial Morphology AP Human Geography State name: Greed … Considered the most geographically expressive of all states. •How does the size and shape of a state give advantages or disadvantages to a state? ~ This state is located in Western Europe, between the Atlantic Ocean and France. First, it emphasizes that geography is a methodology. What are some examples of fragmented states? 6 months ago. AP Human Geography: Tuesday, May 4th @ 12 noon. by mcoleman. the way a state is shaped and sized could affect the political issues facing its population internally and internationally. Territory •States cannot exist without territory •Territorial Morphology – geographers study the size, shape and relative location of states? ~ Morr However, these somewhat simplified definitions mask considerable complexity. a small and relatively homogeneous group or region surrounded by a larger and different group or region (e.g., Nagorno-Karabagh (part of Armenia surrounded by Azerbaijan), West Berlin during the Cold War,...); or wholly lying within the boundaries of another country (Lesotho). As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Home. A gentle sea breeze whispers through the palm trees and the sound of the ocean lapping on the shore calms the people who live in this island. Political geography is concerned with the study of both the spatially uneven outcomes of political processes and the ways in which political processes are themselves affected by spatial structures. The course outline notes that “language patterns and distributions can be represented on maps,” so a map of Canada (showing the … Over the course of this unit, the … AP Human Geography : Devolution of Countries: Centripetal & Centrifugal Forces Study concepts, example questions & explanations for AP Human Geography . Unit 2. Neither of these can be understood apart from each other. Register now for Fiveable's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Tuesday April 28, 2020 at 7:00 pm EDT. answer. AP Microeconomics: Wednesday, May 12th @ 12 noon. Much discussion has occurred over the extent to which territorialization and territorial behavior should be seen as “natural” or “social” … C oncepts of Culture (chapter 4) Acculturation. In order to talk of territory, one must talk of territoriality and vice versa. Unit 1. Fiveable Community students are already meeting new friends, starting study groups, and sharing tons of opportunities for other high schoolers. Territorial Morphology 1. Vocabulary. This definition of geography works well for several reasons. compact. a state governed constitutionally as a unit, without internal divisions or a federalist delegation of powers. Terms : Hide Images. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Does the state share borders with other states? Federalism is the system in which the power to govern is shared between the national & state governments. AP Human Geography > Chapter 8 Vocab > Flashcards ... My definition: study that analyzes geography, history and social science with reference to international politics ... theory that domination of coastal fringes of Eurasia would provide the base for world conquest 15 Territorial morphology: study of states’ shapes and their effects.