It is the “Promoted State” column that enables you to see the difference between News Article and another page. We will use a SPFx extension to set the values of the status column and call the Azure Function to promote the site page to news page using SharePoint Online CSOM. In modern SharePoint Online sites, any existing site page can be converted into the News page, so that it appears in News web parts. If you are using a page template, you can fix this going forwards by making sure the template has a promoted state of “0”. Possible values are "Update", "SystemUpdate", "UpdateOverwriteVersion". You'll be presented with a list of themes to choose from, which might include default themes and/or custom themes depending on how your site has been configured. We will use a SPFx extension to set the values of the status column and call the Azure Function to promote the site page to news page using SharePoint Online CSOM. Specifies the update type to use when updating the listitem. Go to your Promoted Links list that you created. Click the Settings cog wheel […] That defines it as a regular site page rather than a news post, which seems counter intuitive, but ensures Sharepoint doesn’t get confused about the published date (Sharepoint is easy to confuse!) The promoted links does show up so it evidently works - it's just not centering it. I changed the "Promoted State" of a News Page to 0 using SharePoint Designer, then waited for a while and refreshed the page. The trick is to check the state of this field and make a final decision. Tip: Make the All Pages view the default view for Site Pages. Managed to demote a news article by using the method listed above by @HarshD to change from 2 to 0 or 1 whatever you want. ... You can change the order of appearance on the News web part manually. If you delete a News article, the associated folder and images will stay in the Site Assets library. Promoting a site page to news page Below are the attributes that need to be set for site pages to promote as news article. It has either never been done or is such common knowledge that it’s not worth mentioning. To promote a site page to News page, do the following: Navigate to the site page >> Click on "Promote" button on the toolbar Every modern site page has a field called Promoted State. Creating banners for your online SharePoint pages. News posts are Promoted State = 2. The news pages are getting display when they have been crawled in search. Promoted State Column set to 2 – set through SPFx extension Should appear in Tile view by default. 2. 12. To select from the available themes for a SharePoint site, choose the gear icon (⚙️) in the top right corner of the screen, and then select Change the look. In this view, show the following columns in addition to Type and Name: Title (linked to item with edit menu), Promoted State, Version, Like Count, and Comment Count. Either way, I’m going to go through the steps: 1. Originally Promoted State was not read only which is why it is working for some people, but for quite some time now the field has been Read Only. Promoting a site page to news page . How to center a promoted links display in SharePoint? For regular site pages, the value of this field will be empty, for news post pages it will be equal to 1 (if a page is not yet published) or 2. “Regular” site pages are Promoted State = 0. 1. I have not seen this documented anywhere. Then, this page is not in News web part on the page. Update: Sets field values and creates a new version if versioning is enabled for the list I tried putting the code of a promoted links display in a table set to 100% and middle and top hoping it would center it but it did not. Below are the attributes that need to be set for site pages to promote as news article. Using PNP PowerShell you can set the field to not read only. It holds information if a page was promoted as news or not.