You can kill very quickly with them as you can activate up to four on your turn and then up to four on each other opponent's turn, as long as you have that sweet sweet mana. This promise has had an interesting effect on the secondary market for card which are on this list, so it is important to understand what the reserve list is, and which cards are on this list. boom! Good stuff! I played Underground Sea, Mox Pearl and Sol Ring, and used the Sol Ring to play Illusionary Mask, and cast Phyrexian Dreadnought face down. Nico decided to place the raw power of Phyrexian Dreadnought and Illusionary Mask in a blue-black shell, to support it with disruptive elements and fast mana. Use that to keep yourself from taking damage by dropping a sweeper like Earthquake post-Archon. Torpor Orb is (1 of 2) of the combo cheats of these two badass beaters but the hate it brings against my opponents decks has never ceased to amaze me. Mana Cost: Converted Mana Cost: 1. If you do, you may cast that card face down as a 2/2 creature spell without paying its mana cost. But it does read combat damage so you'll need to dig deeper into the canon of cards. Anyone has any Mask questions post them and i will try my best to promptly test them(on MTGO). 9b. Obligatory question, this would've been up 4 hours earlier if everyone wasn't so pissed about Mystical Tutor. Rulings. Have you seen his ultimate? Artist: Pete Venters . combo allows you to go “wide,” attacking the board and opponent with a number of small bodies—and it also allows you to stop a rush of … Enjoy this cool combo. Dark Mike didn't appear on Lord Larry Niven's EDHREC page, but a couple of weeks later, he does, so this may not be as much of a hidden combo as it used to be. View Illusionary Mask only; $169.99 and other cards from Unlimited Singles. Phyrexian Dreadnought. No, he isn't. You can kill with two Commander hits with a 14/14 Tuya. The second win combo is Illusionary Mask and Phyrexian Dreadnought. Prava of the Steel Legion and Wildfire Effects. When combined, the Hippie-Dib-Nought triple entente and the abundant permission enabled a protect-the-queen strategy that was quite interesting. Note that Tormod only triggers once, no matter how many cards are removed, so a Crypt will just get you one Zombie token. Take another look at Archon of Coronation... you drop it, and then you immediately become the monarch and will draw the card, which is good for the color White. It soon became clear why. He played a Strip Mine, and oddly passed the turn. Just 6 mana is needed for a Prosperity for 5, 15 artifacts, plus whatever else you control, and you can drain 15+ life from everyone? Not only can you wipe up all of the dorks that might have attacked you to regain the Crown, but you also won't take that damage, only your foes will. . Even a 1/1 token is big enough to survive the damage from the Wildfire (although not for long without some help, because if Prava dies with her 4 toughness than your dorks will die as well after she leaves). To make the rules question even more clear: Can you use Illusionary Mask's ability to put a Dreadnought from your hand into play face down, and then flip it face up as a 12/12 trample later without triggering the comes into play ability? These sweeping effects will let you go wide with tokens and then sweep away any problems that might want to block them or swing your way. See that partner? I know that Doubling Season may seem like an obvious call out for any planeswalker, but Tevesh Szat takes it really up. Illusionary Mask + Phyrexian Dreadnought Or other comes into play ability creatures. The Archon reminds me of Iroas, God of Victory, who prevents all damage to your attackers, not just combat damage. 10/4/2004: The sacrifices are … Card Text: Trample. (for example. Perhaps not surprising, as the payoff part of the combo didn't really exist before. MaskNought is a fully new combo deck in the Scryings format. You can swing at someone with the Protoype and then use the Maneuver to redirect one damage to... you! Hello folks! Island changed to Khabal Ghoul to combo with Nevinyrral's Disk This is the basis for how Illusionary Mask lets you cheat in a Phyrexian Dreadnought for one mana and not have to sacrifice any creatures. I like the look of it with its free Treasures that are from your foe's card draws. By pumping up the butts of tokens on your turn that much, Prava leans into effects like toughness matters, but the problem with Prava is that the effect is only on your turn. This cool combo works best with our good friend the Hound of Konda as your Commander. The damaged foe has to destroy something. Now win the game from Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge's +2 ability! The Reserve List is a unique promise made by Wizards of the Coast to never reprint functionally identical copies of a select number of cards.. But hey... it's nasty... so we'll finish with it just like I intended when I created this article. I got the Hound on a random challenge last year which you can see here. Then you have a real card capable of becoming the largest threat on the board that will end the game in two turns unless dealt with. Junktroller will tap and let you reload a key spell that you might want to redraw, or a land you don't care about and collect a juicy Tormod'ing, which is now a verb I guess. How is this a problem? At some point in the game you will have some 1/1s or even 2/2s that you don't need, maybe something get's Pacifism 'd. The change to Illusionary Mask meant that it could turn Phyrexian Dreadnought into an uncounterable 12/12 trampler for 1 mana. Nevinyrral wants to do one of two things: sweep the board, or arrive and make a ton of Zombie tokens after something else swept the board. A humble 1/1 White Soldier like Prava can make won't be a great 2/5 blocker, but just a 1/1. Believe it or not, this card was actually played in competitive Vintage. 4b. Expansion: Mirage. If the creature that spell becomes as it resolves has not been turned face up and … Maybe there should be a stickied Mask thread like there is for Humility? Archon of Coronation and Earthquake Effects.