Others were originals. Edited by Davis W. Houck and David E. Dixon. primary sources related to civil rights. The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King, Jr. (E-Book) This source is very reliable and accurate as it was written by Martin Luther King. Call Number: E 184.6 .C58 1998. Documenting the American South A collection of primary sources on Southern history, literature and culture from the colonial period through the first decades of the 20th century. The resources in this primary source set are intended for classroom use. Some of these songs were adapted from old hymns. Sources on the civil rights movement. Call Number: E 185.61 .R48 2006. The American civil rights movement incorporated a variety of cultural elements in their pursuit of political and legal equality under law. Civil Rights and African Americans: A Documentary History. This source is rather reliable and accurate as the person interviewed Martin Luther King personally, however, he might have taken out some of his words to make the interview more entertaining. Now, in this marvelously abridged, paperback edition, Michael J. Klarman … Reporting Civil Rights. ... , generations of resistance to segregation culminated in the Civil Rights movement, in which African Americans launched widespread demonstrations and other public protests to demand the rights and protections provided by the Constitution. Contents; General - Books ... Long Civil Rights Movement: The Women's Movement in the South. Civil Rights Movement in Action: A Primary Sources Analysis Activity Primary sources are first hand accounts of an event or situation in history. Martha Griffiths and the Equal Rights Amendment. Digital Primary Sources Civil Rights Movement Veterans Website (crmvet) The Civil Rights Movement Veterans website is a non-commercial educational resource for students, academics, researchers, and people of all kinds who wish to learn more about the civil rights movement from the point of view of those who were a part of it. The songs on this list don't even begin to capture them all. Primary Sources: Civil Rights in America: Women. This lesson will highlight the role of music as a major influence through the use of audio recordings, photographs, and primary documents. But they are a good place to start for anyone who wants to learn more about music from the height of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s in America. Rhetoric, Religion, and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965. Brown V. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Movement A splendid account of the Supreme Court's rulings on race in the first half of the twentieth century, From Jim Crow To Civil Rights earned rave reviews and won the Bancroft Prize for History in 2005. The Black Studies Center offers a collection of primary and secondary sources that record and illuminate the Black experience, from ancient Africa through modern times. All of them have helped inspire millions. Civil Rights and the Black American: A Documentary History. Students will participate in their own oral history, examine lyrics, and work with case studies such as the Freedom … An African American woman's voice, a child of Southwest Georgia, a voice raised in song, born in the struggle against racism in America during the Civil Rights Movement of … The Civil Rights Digital Library promotes an enhanced understanding of the Movement by helping users discover primary sources and other educational materials from libraries, archives, museums, public broadcasters, and others on a national scale. Voices of the Civil Rights Movement [sound recording] by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings Call Number: M1977.C47 V65 1997 Black American Freedom Songs, 1960-1966. Call Number: E 185.61 .R47 2003. Features documents, photographs, and … These accounts can be verbal (a quote, journal, or other written piece) or they may be visual (an image, … The songs of the civil rights era are as varied as the people who have marched in the movement.