Offer loving-kindness to that collective. May you be well. May everyone accept themselves just as they are. May (my/your/everyone’s) body support the practice of loving awareness. 9M\'������?w?�m]d�Y��u�/�E5u[�!8�2Y���j�L�a�����@��y���,�ߛ�k���PI����+OӼ()d@��{��4���ϻ�� W$e�R(L5�z�o�Y�P�Q���y�d����Ng��v?�M�*��>�U9��h�!��EbrX���� |�����&��Tv{v��40�b���;�{7Y�I{����s�_t>4�@�~�> s:�s�X� l You be. F or e a ch. Melvin Escobar is a Buddhist teacher and serves as a Core Teacher at East Bay Meditation Center, has a Masters of Social Work degree and is also a registered yoga instructor (RYT-200). Of a person you respect a teacher, a mentor, a hero, a large soul who has shown you your path. The instructions include the phrase "may all beings be filled with loving kindness." May all beings be filled with loving-kindness. Created with sketchtool. Jack Kornfield true happiness is one of integrating and fully accepting all aspects of May all beings enjoy happiness and the root of happiness. May that peace expand into their world and throughout the entire universe. May all beings be filled with loving-kindness. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. May all beings release life's invitation to grip. Or despise any being in any state. Get even more Buddhist wisdom delivered straight to your inbox! May all beings be filled with lovingkindness… May all beings be happy… May all beings awaken and be free… May all beings be happy… And now, bringing this practice to a close by coming back to extend kindness to yourself. I know I can change the phrase if I so choose, I'm just wondering if anybody uses this line and how they make sense of it when so many creatures … You’ll begin by offering the the series of phrases to yourself, and then extend them to a benefactor, a friend, a neutral person, a difficult person, and finally all beings everywhere. May … May you be safe, be happy, be healthy, live with ease. May you feel peaceful and at ease. Sharon Salzberg, meditation teacher and author of the seminal book, Lovingkindness, asked the Dalai Lama, “What do you think about self-hatred?” Confounded by her question, he replied, “Self-hatred? Loving Kindness, or Metta Meditation, is a simple, elegant Buddhist practice to open the heart to compassion and kindness…or EQ in action. May there be peace on earth, peace everywhere. May everyone be filled with loving kindness. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. Then, add all beings everywhere. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be … May (I/you/all) be free from ill-will, affliction, and anxiety. a great love who has tenderly held you into being. We rely significantly on advertising and newsstand sales to support our work — both of which have dropped precipitously this year. I let that love into my heart. This will take practice. Here is a typical series of metta contemplations you can practice, reciting them three times as you change the subject of your prayer from “I” to “you” to “all.” But feel free to create your own or adapt these to resonate with your own experience. May they all be happy. It’s the proverbial drinking of the poison and hoping the other person gets sick. Meditation. May all beings have a compassionate heart filled with loving kindness. A beautiful prayer from Buddhist tradition. May I be free from fear. The self-hatred experienced by many in the West is actually a product of internalized oppression.
May they be peaceful. Metta is a Pali word that has been translated as loving-kindness, universal goodwill, or loving-friendliness. Our sincere wish is that these Buddhist teachings, guided practices, and stories can be a balm in these difficult times. Keep on going until you have included everyone you want to, moving from those close to you and ending with: May all beings be peaceful, May all beings be happy, May all beings be safe and protected, May all beings be free from suffering, May all beings be filled with loving kindness. In other words, it is a prayer for loving kindness to be the experience of all beings. 6. Repeat the phrases again and again, letting the feelings permeate your … May ALL Beings be at ease and happy. ... you'll find it increasingly natural to greet all living beings with kindness and friendliness. May you be filled with loving kindness. I let that love into my heart. May you be well in body and mind. No one is free from the pandemic’s impact, including Lion’s Roar. You may like this phrase that I heard while on a retreat. May all beings be well and happy. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. We want to provide even more Buddhist wisdom but our resources are strained. May they be happy. May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace! According to its etymology, the word “precarious” derives from the Latin prefix prec, which means “prayer.”, An especially potent form of prayer for times of crisis like these is metta. For the May, I be. I share these dharma gifts here for your inspiration and support in your own path of loving-kindness! This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech, Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily … 18 0 obj
May all beings touch great and natural peace. Feel free to change and adapt the words, to be more or less specific with how and where you direct the words of loving kindness. May you be safe from inner and outer dangers. May they be peaceful. May they have love, warmth and affection. The session was led by an inspiring dharma teacher named Dave Smith. Let none deceive another, All people. May they be peaceful. … All beings and creatures, with no exceptions. May they be free. May I be filled with loving kindness May I be well May I be peaceful and at ease And may I be happy [Repeat] May you be filled with loving kindness May all beings everywhere, whether near or far, whether known to me or unknown, be happy. %%EOF
The systems of oppression that bell hooks has called “imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy” teach us that we are never enough, that we must constantly strive to be worthy of happiness. By overcoming any sense of unworthiness and Allow the heartfelt radiance of loving –kindness to fill your being as you recite each phrase of this meditation slowly and with deep feeling: May my heart be filled with happiness and peace, May I be free from all kinds of sufferings. The purpose of this exercise is to focus on cultivating and sending feelings of goodwill to all beings. May ALL Beings be safe from inner and outer dangers. May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being. May all being be safe and secure! wish harm upon another. May all beings in my vicinity be happy. May all beings be healthy and strong. May all beings be free from pain, May all beings find peace, May all beings be filled with ease. May I be well. May you be filled with loving-kindness. May I be filled with loving kindness. May all beings hold space for their heart to receive and give love. May I be at ease and happy. May all beings be peaceful and at ease. Then rest in openness and silence. May (I/you/all) find peace in an May all beings be at peace. I open my heart and accept loving-kindness of every being and creature in return. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. Meet each moment with unstoppable friendliness. May I live in harmony. May all beings be joyful. May (I/you/all) be happy and free Phrases like, “May I love myself as I am” and “May I be happy and know the true causes of happiness” help us see through the deception. NEW. I'm trying to imagine a paramecium or an insect filled with loving kindness and I'm scratching my head. May ALL Beings be at ease and happy. This thread is archived. 29 0 obj
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h�TP�N�0��AI�-HU�c�p�ha�%n�tu"7���D����{��E��M�FG�q�+�3N����:��d3� 2��m�8w4zh! Call Michael on 0459 784 718. I was first introduced to it in the first group meditation I ever attended. You can also get very specific and include specific people, even political leaders in the field of your loving-kindness. 18 views 0 comments. We must build capacity incrementally, starting with ourselves, a dear mentor, or any beloved being (a pet, a tree, a deity). May they be free. May all beings be happy. Likewise, we can harm ourselves by trying to practice metta with a very difficult person, if we haven’t developed the capacity to work with the aversion and despair that may arise. May you feel peaceful and at ease. May you be at ease and happy. May I be safe from inner and outer dangers. May they be free. All those in existence. May all beings be filled with loving kindness; May all beings be well; May all beings be peaceful and at ease; May all beings be truly happy; At the end, slowly open your eyes, take a couple moments to center yourself, and continue on with your day. May all people everywhere be happy and filled with loving kindness. May all beings be filled with love and kindness. 16.09.2016 - Adam Kirchmann hat diesen Pin entdeckt. May all beings show compassion to their body, mind, and spirit no matter how it shows up. May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being. Can you lend your support to Lion’s Roar at this critical time? 9. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... Related. What to Expect: We begin by sitting comfortably with a straight spine and closing down the eyes. 1) Begin by directing loving –kindness toward yourself. May I be well in body and mind. those seen or those unseen, ... and loving-kindness towards all the world. COVID-19 has brought tremendous suffering, uncertainty, fear, and strain to the world. May all beings be filled with loving-kindness. All creatures. May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being. 82%. And I share the benefits of this meditation with every one. Sign up for Lion’s Roar free email newsletters. hޔX���6���O����[��m�E?��?h���W�����w��lY���Ao�ki8s�̙þ��}H�z��f�f� IH6�Y�%����4gk���+�%ds�-�����4��r���������:!l�d�
��'7Jl\�+�HG,ƈo~�)4aQ�aq�)ai��b��f���O����l���)�5�U��p#UC�C:- May all beings be safe, be happy, be healthy, live with ease. Feel loving kindness radiating out from you in all directions. May all beings be filled with loving presence and peace. ♡♡♡ The Karaniya Metta Sutta. from suffering. "Whatever living beings there may be — feeble or strong (or the seekers and the attained) long, stout, or of medium size, short, small, large, those seen or those unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born as well as those yet to be born — may all beings have happy minds. While the loving-kindness meditation or LKM originates in Buddhist traditions, it’s now practiced widely across cultures and is the focus of extensive research by social scientists. May you be well in body and mind. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. With each recitation, you expand the scope of your loving-kindness—from yourself, to those close to you, to those for whom you feel antipathy, and finally to all sentient beings. May I be filled with lovingkindness. May everyone be held in loving kindness. Live your deepest authentic life with the help from Michael Vaccaro. F or e a ch s a yi ng be l ow, i m a gi ne you rs e l f or ot h e r p e rs on/ p e op l e i n a p l a ce , be i ng wi t h s om e one , or . May all beings be filled with lovingkindness… May all beings be happy and contented … May all beings awaken and be free… May all beings be safe & without pain… And now, bringing this practice to a close by coming back to extend kindness to yourself. Don’t let this doubt stop you. Metta practice can help us see how we lie to and feel hatred toward ourselves. May ALL beings … With each recitation of the phrases, we are expressing an intention, planting the seeds of loving … May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being. Sending Loving-Kindness to Neutral People. Share on … Metta can also be described as benevolence, good … Here’s the elegant prayer… May ALL Beings be filled with lovingkindness. Metta means loving kindness, and the prayer is an expression, a visualization and an openness to loving kindness toward ourselves, toward another, and toward us all. You can stay here as long as you’d like. May they know peace. . May I have ease of well-being. Loving Kindness Lyrics. For guidance on metta practice, let’s look at some quotes from the Karaniya Metta Sutta, known in English as The Discourse on Loving-Kindness, in which the Buddha teaches metta as a simple and direct way to meet the moment as it is. Archived. hide. Loving-kindness is a meditation focused on nurturing compassion, kindness, goodwill, and love for oneself and others. May you be at ease and happy. March 23, 2020 Share this post. May you be happy. Can you help us? May I be filled with loving kindness may I be well I be filled with loving kindness may I be well I be. May you be happy. May (I/you/everyone) love (myself/yourself/themselves) as (I am/you are/they are). May (I/you/all) find ease on the This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness And who knows the path of peace: 10. I open my heart and accept loving-kindness of every being and creature in return. May (I/you/all beings) be safe and May ALL beings be filled with loving kindness . May "all beings" enjoy inner peace and ease. May everyone be filled with loving kindness. May ____ be filled with loving kindness. LOVING KINDNESS PRAYER: May "all beings" be happy, healthy and whole. You may use the sanskrit mantra at the bottom of the page or the words in English below. We must practice with lighter ones first. May they have happy minds.' Wishing: In gladness and in safety, A point to ponder Pondering point … Aug 20, 2012 - The Loving-Kindness Meditation Altar Card is 5"x7" Laminated card of Buddhist teaching for meditation and contemplation. 825. Tradition tells us that, like the sun, metta is always present and doesn’t discriminate. Hakalau or Peripheral Meditation. May I/you/we know the natural joy of being alive. Perhaps an emphasis on the second verse directed toward all whom you encounter will shift the energy: May you be filled with loving kindness. Remember them. May all beings be at ease. May they all be happy. Finally, include the difficult people in your life, even your enemies, wishing that they too may be filled with lovingkindness and peace. Filled with loving presence. Prayer of the Loving Kindness (Metta Bhavana) Practice. A phrase such as, “May I/you/all be free from inner and outer harm,” when repeated with genuine goodwill, cultivates a sense of calm acceptance of things as they are. Morning Prayer. May all beings be happy and have peace of mind. While focusing on someone you know well and love, repeat these words: May you be filled with loving-kindness. ... 18 Science-Backed Reasons to Try Loving-Kindness … May all beings be free from pain, May all beings find peace, May all beings be filled with ease. May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being. I recited the phrases in bed, while waiting for a train, before difficult meetings and whenever I became aware that I was feeling 'down'. It is practiced by reciting and contemplating a series of aspirations or prayers that express your goodwill and unstoppable friendliness toward yourself and others. outer harm. I'm assuming this includes all living things. May ALL beings be well . May you be happy. May all beings be at peace. May I/you/we be as well as I am able to be May I/you/we touch deep, natural peace. May all beings be free. May you be filled with loving kindness. Topics: Lion's Roar - Sept '20, Loving-Kindness / Metta / Maitri, Middle-home, Top-home, We’re glad to have you here. F/ɼ`����E�8n!�X2Ȧ2���O���d�.6g�M�&3�x����" �� Metta is a concentration practice to cultivate unconditional goodwill for all. h�bbd``b`j@�� H��d�G3�$�
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She closed one of her talks by directing this lovingkindness phrase to all … May all beings be well and happy. 4. wholeness, upheld by the unfathomable, entranced … May I be well in body and mind. May we use the very first limb/step of the yogic journey, Ahimsa (non-violence) as a guide to ensure that our ripples are of benefit to all beings, to create a positive impact, to stimulate change, to spread love and kindness. May I have a compassionate heart filled with loving kindness May I be free. May all beings be happy. endstream
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Keep on going until you have included everyone you want to, moving from those close to you and ending with: May all beings be peaceful, May all beings be happy, May all beings be safe and protected, May all beings be free from suffering, May all beings be filled with loving kindness. May you be safe from inner and outer dangers. May ALL Beings be safe from inner and outer dangers. More interestingly, Loving Kindness Meditation enhances positive interpersonal attitudes, which make you a more helpful person. Pinterest. Loving Kindness Meditation Jack Kornfield May I be filled with lovingkindness “I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.” – Walt Whitman This meditation uses words, images, and feelings to evoke a lovingkindness and friendliness toward oneself and others. May you be free from fear. May all beings be well and happy. I'm assuming this includes all living things. May I be free. May all beings be free from suffering. May they be free. Sign In. All beings are worthy of loving kindness. My heart fills with with loving kindness. You can continue wishing ‘Loving Kindness’ outwards to people in your circle like family members and friends, colleagues, people you struggle with, and eventually expand it to cover all ‘beings’. N�-���0\��h/����'���'Q�mo�6����I���;1)K������Ϳf�>�e���OkL��J�u):M:��Q�+kjd�|�6��;PVl��0Jt�!�7ﵸ0bYv{6�g�C��\�Ep�,]�2�cqr_~�]
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The Dhammapada teaches us: “Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world; by nonhatred alone is hatred appeased. In metta practice, it is normal for the doubting mind to pop up and challenge the notion of loving ourselves and others. My favorite translation, which I learned from Vipassana teacher Anushka Fernandopulle, is “unstoppable friendliness.”. Don’t let this doubt stop you. May all beings be free of suffering, and safe from internal and external harm . May all beings be well. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. Posted by 7 months ago. (Let him think:) 'May all beings be happy and safe. May ____ be filled with loving kindness. Depending on the time you have for your practice, you might offer these phrases to all … Now expand your loving kindness outward toward all people, in all directions, whoever they may be, silently repeating: "May all beings be well, may all beings be happy, may all beings be filled with loving kindness." share. F i nd a m i ndf u l p os i t i on, cl os i ng you r e ye s i f com f ort a bl e . 491. What is that?”. Offer to all beings your words of loving kindness. A common question that arises is: how do I practice with the most difficult person I can think of? May I be filled with positive, peaceful energy. Close. May I be happy. May all beings be happy, may all beings be safe, may all beings be healthy, may all beings be filled with loving kindness. All beings and creatures, with no exceptions. This is an eternal law.” Although anger can indicate that there is injustice or harm happening, it’s easy to slip into ill will toward the targets of our anger. report. When there is love in our hearts, there will be love in the world. 9. Shares. ��.�U{��E@}�c�^��i*�R��>>)n��pAxH[5߈�>��p�z'b��_������W�{pk���9\��:!�� R�� �9��
May they be well. May I be filled with loving kindness. Next, bring to mind someone who is struggling: ... May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. Then again, you may not know us at all. It can be momentarily satisfying to wish harm on another, but the harm rebounds on ourselves. ���3�|r ��?���rsο�yZ���3���90�^/�ݤa�]�{�dͷ�x�����rW�Jt uX�h���LNz^gh� �XsV\2ٕ�Ι֗�2�e����"¼ May I be filled with loving-kindness May I be well May I be peaceful and at ease May I be happy "As you say the phrases, you may also wish to use the image from the Buddha's instructions: picture yourself as a young and beloved child, or sense yourself as you are now, held in the heart of loving-kindness. But first: who are “we”? Above and below, near and far, high and low, May all types of beings: humans, animals, trees, birds, anything seen or not seen… May all beings and creatures, with no exceptions… May they all be healthy, happy, and peaceful. May I be peaceful. And I share the benefits of this meditation with every one. Sending love and blessings to all beings xx. "Whatever living beings there may be — feeble or strong (or the seekers and the attained) long, stout, or of medium size, short, small, large, those seen or those unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born as well as those yet to be born — may all beings have happy minds. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. May I/you/we be free. doi ng s om e t h i ng t h a t bri ngs a bou t e a ch qu a l i t y of we l l ne s s . I'm trying to imagine a paramecium or an insect filled with loving kindness and I'm scratching my head. May all beings be free from suffering. Created with Sketch. May you be well. Permalink. May all beings be contented and pleased. May all beings be filled with loving kindness. Post navigation. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. 4.& 5. May I be happy. 5. Consider an analogy to weight lifting. Loving Kindness Meditation is also a marker of being more resilient. Counselling, therapy, mindfulness & more. May all people everywhere be happy and filled with loving kindness. When the mind is determined to reject what it cannot change, it can become caught up in forms of inner harm such as shaming, blaming, complaining, and explaining. Known and unknown. When there is peace in …