4 0 obj The largest, most comperhensive, interactive, knife steel composition chart, with 1013 steel alloy compositions, and 6524 names. Here is the datasheet for LC200N, which is a European steel made by ZAPP. Spyderco forum member Surfingringo has the most experience with corrosion resistant steels of anyone I've read on the web, so his posts over there should be a great guide. So far, only Spyderco lists in it their steel listings used in knives, Tusk being the first knife offered in LC200N. We ship all stock items same day through UPS and we can ship worldwide also. 1 0 obj However, a revised version of the steel was released, and the datasheet was revised in July 2010. New refers to LC200N itself, otherwise, this is the same Cronidur 30 which has been used in Knives for a while, and even longer by NASA for ball bearings. LC200N is also a true martensitic steel that achieves its hardness through traditional heat treating, so its hardness level can be precisely controlled to meet the demands of specific uses. LC200N Steel Zapp has also created a stainless steel that is almost completely stainless. Corrosion Resistance of Steel. Log in to access your University of Florida Gatorlink Webmail. <> Also, fine woven fabrics for fashion and home furnishings, and a wide range of domestic and industrial carpets and carpet tiles. Carbon (C) - Present in all knife steels, it is the most important hardening element. We are also a full line distributor of conventional and PM stainless and tool steel grades for many other producers of quality knife steels. Multi-national group of textile and chemicals manufacturing companies. We highly recommend Peters if you need someone to heat treat Z-FiNit. %PDF-1.4 Sal says that LC200N has much better edge retention in plain edge than H1, but that H1 has the best edge retention of any steel they've tested in serrated edge. endobj Haihong International Trade (HK) CO., Limited. The data sheet for Z-FiNit says the steel can be heat treated to HRC 61. Stainless Steel, Special Steel, Compressor Blading, Turbine Blading, Superalloy Supplier. Brad is working to achieve a higher hardness. - Typical range in steel alloys is 0.0005 to 0.003%. 3 0 obj <>/OutputIntents[<>] /Metadata 495 0 R>> %���� :SAJ9P�)1���T�B�"�P��FŻ)� �W��b+��Sk"1$�"C9H��}5�=������ �n�6wX�޴���a���>k� k�R��#W��(ekU²� ���"�-�]f��r�~o�KY�����k$��Y n�-�������Q0��]q^���_$1�N�`��s�tc�����ɓ CPM4V®Powder Metal Tool Steel Typical Composition C Mn Si Cr Mo V 1.35 0.40 0.80 5.0 2.95 3.85 CPM 4V is a powder metal tool steel with an outstanding combination of properties including high impact toughness and very good wear resistance. stream USA. New refers to LC200N itself, otherwise, this is the same Cronidur 30 which has been used in Knives for a while, and even longer by NASA for ball bearings. Plus, 14C28N may be relatively rust resistant, but it's not up to the same level as LC200N. It is a martensitic stainless steel to which vanadium and carbon have been added for exceptionally good wear resistance. ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REGULATOR, L200 datasheet, L200 circuit, L200 data sheet : STMICROELECTRONICS, alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Z-Finit/Cronidur 30/LC200N showed very good toughness in our testing, and Vanax showed slightly better toughness than S35VN. Nitro-V was similar to AEB-L as I predicted in my article on that steel. electroslag, forged ring/ block,etc. 2 0 obj Added to steel to improve hardenability. LC200N is an amazing steel! Brad at Peters Heat treating has been working with the steel and has achieved HRC 59. Shop online for all your home improvement needs: appliances, bathroom decorating ideas, kitchen remodeling, patio furniture, power tools, bbq grills, carpeting, lumber, concrete, lighting, ceiling fans and more at The Home Depot. %PDF-1.7 %���� x��]�7��o��������؎�xa;����dq kn:�G�Fv����W�b5���z����7�?�q�l����o���ϯV�s~���������a�Y��/?����nf�7��3{�������2�{|�䷧O�����.3�Υd2S��ό�y!����'?�={x������%/�Ȥ4y�i�sVe�O������T��*�~4��\(���Px}u������\�2I�e.% ��;ܒ�}U.+�Ifr�/���h��ص��@@�ϯ �7,�X��-��ư�LT������+hG��e�g�>}��$��'����'/��F�so����w�G��|�"0���6�Շ���f�ڴCkt˼�n��r!e�9K�Ơ4^�di�g�����K�9������ʼ���M�2�" � stream x��]�䶱���������hěDA����ޓ�yw� XA{�=��������y� �΃V�RK"����A��5�*�_�E���v��iu������g����f�)�x~������o���w����j�y��ӟ��_c:����\�����'�/�V�k��xȾ{���k^gE.�4�������&3&�Jf��2�L�ʶ�O~����A�:W�4m+S(��{.���+.Jd/�Ȥ�y]f��9������t��J� I have written about corrosion resistance of steel here. 3 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Increases tensile strength and edge retention and improves resistance to wear and abrasion. Stainless Steel, Special Steel, Compressor Blading, Turbine Blading, Superalloy Supplier. 4 0 obj With 90% the corrosion resistance of H1, you also get much improved edge retention. endobj Cronidur 30 = LC200N = Z-FiNit. While H1 steel lives in a specialist category as a fishing or boating knife, LC200N holds its own as an EDC knife steel. It isn’t quite good as the H1, but this is another steel that features extreme corrosion resistance. TEL:+86-816-3646575 FAX: +86-816-3639422 �s��ղ2,�fp�� ��u���毾���MU�Dw��]����>�!�1�=��2�.0l3�A��f:��f��[Y�J�&�X�~z&'�Ք�`�����l�� ���QC�Sj����h0�� �,]HM. Added in isolation, decreases toughness. Micro Melt Maxamet Alloy can be supplied as steel plate/ sheet, round steel bar, steel tube/pipe, steel stripe, steel billet, steel ingot, steel wire rods. In addition to this information, each Steel Report Card will have four standardized pieces of data: a history and any notable heat treats or variations, a link to a steel composition chart, a link to a datasheet, and finally a price per cubic inch (this is necessary because size variation in available stock). Update 1/6/2020: I have since performed my own corrosion resistance testing and provided updated analysis.. CPM 4V should be considered for Here is the datasheet for LC200N, which is a European steel made by ZAPP. Thanks to John Scarborough and Robert Angerer for becoming Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters!. CPM Steel Conventional Steel Physical Properties Elastic Modulus 31 X 106 psi (214 GPa) Specific Gravity 7.97 Density 0.288 lbs./in3 (7.970 g/cm3) Thermal Conductivity BTU/hr-ft-°F W/m-°K cal/cm-s-°C at 72°F 22C° 10.98 18.99 4.54 X 10-2 <> F��|?=Ӻ�| �VL^���������z���c?m���brI���������n�|��eJp���P9I�=)z���o��P* �cI CPM ® S90V (420V) (AISI 420 modified with high vanadium) CPM S90V is a unique tool steel made by the Crucible Particle Metallurgy process. Designed for harsh gas compressor scrubber applications304 stainless steel float operates in 0.55 specific gravity and heavier fluids (see Table 1)LS200 series rated for 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) [138 bar] working pressureElectric and pneumatic models availableMore robust designAll models screw directly into the scrubber or can be mounted via external float chamberNickel plated body steel strip and steel foil from 0.02 mm to 2.0 mm thickness; You can choose from a wide range of dimensions and a wide variety of surface finishes. Welcome to our shop where you will find our huge range of Ground Flat Stock, Gauge Plate, Silver Steel, Drill Rod, Knife Making Steels and now Crucible Powder Metallurgy Knife Making Steels. 1y�. ���2+9�9M��b����n��/?���߼x�uV���=�e����o�O;*R�m&Ϫ�6�%� 'a���f0�]͡�;ͥ&d��Z`,c\��\�4\�}o�Pq�Ճ' ^��+r�E�j��~/+�g��O���Om�p��A�����{�Y��쏗���_K3v�ݱۖ+���myIl�A��.Z����l7�S�� G�Y��u�ڒ-�~w���13����LL��w�M��:G�d%PQ�꛿��x�@��3�yI�^M�1/�:�W+}����6%�t�`�7�a��N��ra�MɑHyξ�3�;�e�3R�A�f�-��Ѽw~�s䅝iiV��v�a�Tp6Cȴ�6 xo�Yy�ٷE&@�z���~�۳QMf���陚'�x���YXj|��}gK_U@_�z���e�Uy�4���������I5Vgm��L`�;��N�f�� TWISTED SISAL MERCH - THANKS TO MISHEARDKNIFEREVIEWS: https://teespring.com/twisted-sisal-merch Remember to subscribe for more lunacy - hit the bell etc! New alloy, appeared in late 2013. The wide range of strengths, tight tolerances of our strip steel or steel bars, and the high ductility of our wires are … <>/Font<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/StructParents 0>> LC 200 N combines the PESR- (Pressurized Electric Slag Remelting) Process with a smart forging technology. �^�h)d^tٮ�K���?�� eUn�>�ծ�ח�ɟYV��.�@E���:7�t!r��KS����7O�|\d����~����61�UՆC��/�]�~��G�����.6n �%���h%����r�K3bu���Y�ϖgU��fy��Ņ���Mh�K�k�E��}jf��V����Ź�U�˜�^%��G�,/y��K��[��d�Z�Z���i�1�5��G5�Ж�;~~0��)�?�3��?l���^�7eբp�a���4. 1 0 obj endobj endobj PAGE 1/3 TOOL ALLOYS | LC 200 N Chemical Composition Carbon 0.3 % Chrom ium 15 % Nitrogen 0.5 % Molybdenum 0.95 % Nickel 0.5 % Mangan ese 1.00 % LC 200 N is a high nitrogen alloyed tool steel … <> I just did some testing on the Spyderco LC200N mule vs an AEB-L blade (see the Spyderco forum, the LC200N corrosion thread, for details), and LC200N beat AEB-L easily. <> So far, only Spyderco lists in it their steel listings used in knives, Tusk being the first knife offered in LC200N. This process route offers an amazing increase in cleanliness and fine structure. (Zapp Fine grain Nitrogen steel). LC 200 N is a high nitrogen alloyed tool steel which exhibits superior corrosion resistance combined with high toughness even at a hardness up to 60 HRc. 2 0 obj <>/Metadata 1266 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1267 0 R>> New alloy, appeared in late 2013. Surprisingly, LC200N and 14C28N did a small notch better than AEB-L and Nitro-V. LC200N does have chromium nitrides or at least “carbonitrides” rather than chromium carbides so perhaps those are higher in hardness leading to somewhat better edge retention. electroslag, forged ring/ block,etc. DATA SHEET CRUCIBLE CPM® 10V® (AISI A11) Issue #1 Carbon 2.45% Chromium 5.25% Vanadium 9.75% Molybdenum 1.3% CPM 10V A2 D2 M2 CPM 3V CPM 9V CPM 15V CPM Steel Conventional Steel HRC 60 60 60 62 58 54 60 Relative Values Tool Steel Comparagraph It was originally designed for use as ball bearing steel for NASA and as a cutting steel in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries where its corrosion resistance was needed to counter moisture present in these environments. With the advent of particle metallurgy, nitrogen-based steels have become a growing presence in the knife world. Micro Melt Maxamet Alloy can be supplied as steel plate/ sheet, round steel bar, steel tube/pipe, steel stripe, steel billet, steel ingot, steel wire rods. High-performance fabrics for aerospace, automotive and industrial applications. LC200N would be a good alternative to AEB-L and Vanax a good alternative to the Elmax/S30V type steels in terms of edge retention. Most effective in low carbon steels. endobj So yes, I agree, HRC isn't everything, but testing does show it's an incredible steel. endobj SB Specialty Metals is proud to be the exclusive distributor for Carpenter Technology's family of knife steel products. The patent for S110V and the original datasheet released in September 2008 (I archived it here) is the original composition labeled as “patent” in the composition table. Steel comparison graphs, search, sorting, filtering by element composition and more. It was originally designed for use as ball bearing steel for NASA and as a cutting steel in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries where its corrosion resistance was needed to counter moisture present in these environments.