$699.95 . D: 139-106-124mm R: 15m. SALOMON QST 106 ATOMIC Vantage 107 Ti NORDICA Enforcer Free 110 4FRNT Hoji K2 Mindbender 116 C MOMENT Bella 116 (W) LA SPORTIVA Capo. But I�m not instantly comfortable on them. Orders $50+ SHIP FREE Beginners should prioritize comfort more than anything else, and the Mindbender’s generous last and heat-moldable liner and shell help to ensure a good fit. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); }); | They need speed to come alive... this is not a ski for super tight terrain, at least for me. Our cookies do not contain any personal identification information, but they do enable us to provide features to improve your shopping experience such as storing items in your shopping cart between visits. © 2015 All rights reserved. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("forum_title", "Tech Talk"); Bought them on sirvic’s recommendation. I have a pair of 184 99�s that I have yet to mount up. I have demo bindings on so will try it. } } With a foot of fresh on the ground, it delivered. Press enter for more information. I detuned mine a LOT, and really like them as long as I�m in soft snow. googletag.cmd.push(function() { K2 Mindbender 99 Ti. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("nsfw", "yes"); The K2 shop here doesn�t mount longer lengths for demos because they don�t think people should be one longer skis. But they are ok other then that. var sidebar_width = parseInt('300px'); Teton Gravity Research When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Talk to our Gearheads 24/7 about your needs. The 99s rip. 1 color available. /, When you create an account, you agree to our. Detuning tips and tails helped loosen them up, as expected. K2 Mindbender 99Ti Ski. Do tell. ... K2 Mindbender 99Ti Ski. D: 136.5-97-118.5mm R: 15m I want to try them at +1 too. var src = (useSSL ? '21 k2 (ケーツー) mindbender 90 ti ... 106: 1,686 ※ 179 ※印の付いた掲載重量は弊社実計測の重量(g)です 。 商品説明: k2ファクトリーチームデザインによる高性能と低コストを両立させたパークエントリーモデル! Light is a bit flat right now so having to hold back. (I’m super finicky about mount and binding delta and all that crap - just could not feel balanced on the ski.) (function() { var sidebar_width = parseInt('300px'); Products 48-96 (out of 191) Shop the best skis from top brands Atomic, K2, Blizzard, and Volk. { Kicking around handing them to my 16-yo to see if they are the upgrade to his Enforcer 100�s he is looking for. 159 167 175cm/R15 139-106-124(167cm)/¥88,000 Detuning tips and tails helped loosen them up, as expected. 1 color available. Love your gear with a 100% Price & Performance Guarantee. This Mindbender is an ideal candidate for a fat ski that requires no overthinking. Elan Ripstick 106 Black Edition. I feel this way about the 108s. ... K2 set up the Wayback 106 to handle whatever you find out there. Coming out of one carve to the next takes a little work or that they just hang in the fall line a long time before coming around. I need your help choosing between the Fischer Ranger 102 FR in 170 cm, the Bent Chetler 100 in 164 cm and K2 Mindbender 106c Alliance in 167 cm, lengths discussable. Definitely are super stable and one of the best crud busters I’ve skied. On the lift with the 99�s right now. '//www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js'; var sidebar_align = 'right'; googletag.enableServices(); The all-terrain rocker profile (gradual rise in the tip and low-rise tail) encourages easy turn initiation in variable terrain while allowing the tail to wash and release with minimal effort. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("forum_id", "8"); Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. It can contain letters, numbers, and must contain at least one special character: ~ ! Didn't like em too much at crystal the few days i skied em last season. K2 calls it a mid-winter touring ski, which basically means it’s designed for skiing powder. I have found my Mindbenders to ski absolutely horrible on asphalt, fwiw. Almost like the tail is a bit much to bring around. If I hit something hard, ice, I�m really not happy, they don�t like it. They handle all sorts of variable conditions when touring just fine. Please try again. 「K2 MINDBENDER 115 C ALLIANCE」を 楽天市場で探す Yahooショッピングで探す Amazonで探す スキー専門店タナベスポーツで探す (no report) MINDBENDER 106 C ALLIANCE. googletag.defineSlot('/1027394/forums_sidebar_mpu', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-adRectangle').addService(googletag.pubads()); Touring boots are undeniably expensive, but K2’s Mindbender 100 is a solid entry-level design for skiers splitting time between the resort and backcountry. Elan Ripstick 106 Black Edition. Maybe i'm just too big for em. Salomon Stance 94 Ski - Women's. googletag.defineSlot('/1027394/forums_sidebar_halfpage', [300, 600], 'div-gpt-ad-adHalfPage').addService(googletag.pubads()); Can anyone else compare the Mindbender 116c to other skis they�ve had and liked or not liked? Also, don�t love them on groomers, they seem to zoom around from behind you. if (document.title.indexOf('NSFW') > -1) { Need to give them another shot. Privacy Policy. 'https:' : 'http:') + Heavy but nimble. The K2�s are certainly not that playful. First thoughts is ummm. First thoughts is ummm. They are fun though. Press enter for more information. I almost feel like I should ski them at +1 and I never feel like going forward. They�re like 75% intuitive to me, 25% I don�t click with. })(); Definitely are super stable and one of the best crud busters I�ve skied. Hello! ... K2 Mindbender Skis On the lift with the 99’s right now. I am 159 cm tall and weigh aprox 65-70 kg. I�ve been looking at the 108t since it came out. I�ll have to try them back to back. var sidebar_align = ''; var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; ☆[175cm/98mm幅]20 k2 mindbender 98 ti alliance フリースキー フリースタイルスキー 板単体 型落ち 旧モデル 即決 49,900円 送料無料 Stories from real people who are blending the outdoors with the everyday, the latest information about gear we love, advice to get you into a new activity or take your passion to the next level, and trip reports to help you plan your next adventure. The 99s rip. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("nsfw", "no"); Blizzard Black Pearl 97 Buy Now For $840. Passwords are case-sensitive, must be at least 8 characters in length, and must contain at least one special character. console.log('NSFW in title'); Invalid email or password. Peter Glenn utilizes a technology called "cookies" which can be used to provide you with tailored information. Big but agile. $848.95 . Normally ski an Enforcer 110 in 191 with 20.5 radius. Seriously though haven't heard your thoughts on the 99s. '); The MB116 skis loose, it�s fairly soft, and light, so both make it very easy to ski in tight and steep spots. else document.write(''); @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` | ( ) '{' '}' [ ] : ; " '' < > , . Mine are now my touring ski, and they work great for that. ? & Predictable but fun. They need speed to come alive... this is not a ski for super tight terrain, at least for me. These 184�s have 18.5 radius but ski at a longer radius than the Enforcers. I usually ask them why the manufacturers make them then. googletag.defineSlot('/1027394/forums_header_widead', [[728, 90], [970, 90]], 'div-gpt-ad-adWideAd').addService(googletag.pubads()); var content_container_margin = parseInt('340px'); var content_container_margin = parseInt('340px'); Terms of Use Odds are very good if you like them, I'll like them too. //--> Care to expand? Bought them on sirvic�s recommendation. I have and love the 2020 QST 106 so I tried 185 2020 QST 118 but did not get along with the forward mount. Salomon Stance 94 Ski - Women's. Editor’s Choice. Our New Kits for Ski, Snowboard, Winter Hiking, Indoor Training & More. Your password must be at least 8 characters long. K2 Mindbender 106C Alliance Buy Now For $750. man, i have a pair of the 99ti's and feel like they're noodles. console.log('NSFW NOT in title'); Since we both ski in the Cascades, your experience is very applicable.