Good teachers see possibilities in people. (603) The only works that God accepts are those that have been washed in the blood of Jesus (Revelation 7:14). “He will judge the world with righteousness” (Psalm 98:9). Humans held the quill, but God ultimately inspired their words. His sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at Daily devotional with John Piper I say, “If God cannot blow a plane with his breath a hundred feet off course to the right, then he’s not God.” And I say, “If we surrender the all-governing providence of God in order to save him from any causality in those tragic events, then by saving him, I lose him as a sovereign, wise God who can give meaning and strength and hope to those who have lost the most in this tragedy.” In other words, it is the very sovereignty by which he governed those jets that enables him to govern all things for the good of tens of thousands of survivors who look to him for strength and purpose and hope in their massive losses. Solid Joys. Ask Pastor John Look at the Book Solid Joys. And humans, sinful humans, cause many things to happen. The doctrine of God’s providence is the theme of Pastor John’s new book by that title, Providence (you can now preorder the title from our friends at Westminster Books for just $19.99). And human sin is real. Desiring God: A Note on Resources 95. He had a broken body, a despairing mind, and a lonely soul. Look at the Book. We are not God; we are not omniscient; we are not all-wise. Something must break the power that fear and greed and anger and self-pity have on the soul. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The answer is hope — certain hope. This volume collects all twenty-one of John Piper’s biographical sketches, from Augustine and Athanasius to Spurgeon and Lewis. John Piper: “When we look at everything through the lens of God’s providence, everything is significant. Last time, in episode 1586, we looked at how embracing the providence of God “enables us to be patient and faithful in the long, dragged-out, often unexpected trials of life, amidst the most inexplicable circumstances, detours, and delays that, from our limited viewpoint, make no sense.” Providence makes us patient in trials. his second letter. We would like to thank John Piper and Desiring God … All the ingredients of self that are in them on any account he takes away, and adds incense to what remains, and presents it to God. Everything is meaningful. Is this good news for sinners? Solid Joys. ‎Solid Joys is a daily devotional written and read by John Piper. Solid Joys. Ask Pastor John. Just open the app, push play, and enjoy. He is author of. Here now with implication number six is Pastor John. The truth that God governs over everything he makes is gloriously true. God’s permissions are not random. Desiring God Logo Articles Sermons Topics Books Podcasts Features About Give Twice he told his readers why he was writing ... grace is the Word that was with God and was God (John 1:1–2), so that his fullness is the fullness of God—a divine fullness, an infinite fullness; He doesn’t will evil; that is, he doesn’t sin. . “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne” (Psalm 97:2). We’re on a mission to change that. Look at the Book. And natural disasters are real, and nature has its own hand in causing calamity. Consider, however, the church of Antioch, who sent Barnabas and Saul, already proven leaders, and confirmed their missionary call by laying hands on them (Acts 13:1–3). For those who trust Christ, the providence of God turns every sorrow to joy, every loss to gain, every groan to glory. Now, how is that? Live By The Spirit: Devotions With John Piper. When our best dreams shrivel and die, and our best attempts fall short, God is still God and he is still writing a great story for those who love him. Ask Pastor John. Follow John Piper on Twitter. ... Every $1 you give enables us to reach 9 people with God-centered resources. And how can there be such triumphant, loving joy in affliction? Joy overflowing with generosity in affliction: that is the beauty of Christian love. But his allegiance to the cause of Christ makes the bleakness of his life glow with glory. 2021 ... Look at the Boo‪k‬ Desiring God Christianity 4.9 • 420 Ratings; Listen on Apple Podcasts. He causes many evil things to happen. Desiring God’s mission is to help people everywhere understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. A few manuscripts include these verses, wholly or in part, after John 7:36, John 21:25, Luke 21:38 or Luke 24:53.] Follow Desiring God on Instagram. . We want pe… The church should send missionaries out “in a manner worthy of God” (3 John 6), which includes confirming our call and preparing us to go. Daily devotional with John Piper. This is how the Christian soul in suffering is saved from bitterness and revenge and self-indulgence and self-pity. Publisher. For every one person whom I have heard or seen forsaking the truth of God’s all-pervasive providence because of suffering, I have seen ten others bear witness that the biblical truth of God’s absolute sovereignty in and over their suffering and loss saved their faith — and some have said, saved their sanity. 7. And what breaks this power is the unshakable certainty of hope — hope that is warranted by the unstoppable, blood-bought mercy of God in his all-governing providence. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. John Piper: “If in any of our relationships we begin to act unlovingly, disrespectfully, unmercifully, unkindly, we may expect that God will, in mercy, withhold blessings when we pray.” Subscribe to Desiring God: Nothing is random, nothing is pointless, nothing is meaningless.” Subscribe to Desiring God: And when we see it and embrace it as true and glorious, this doctrine can make a very deep and definite impact on how we live, especially when suffering hits. When he doesn’t, his permissions are planned and purposeful and, in his overall design, wise. Piper is founder and teacher of and is author of more than 50 books. . The truth that God governs over everything he makes is gloriously true. So, my sixth precious, real-life effect of seeing and savoring the all-governing providence of God is that this providence assures us that the so-called “problem” of God’s sovereignty in suffering is more than relieved by the sustaining purpose and power of his sovereignty through suffering. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. That was implication number five. John Piper’s top 365 sermons and messages—one for each day of the year. Humans held the quill, but God ultimately inspired their words. Ask Pastor John. God saves sinners by his grace alone to obliterate all human boasting in his presence. 7 Days. The pursuit of pleasure in God is not only permissible; it’s essential. Professor Thomas Kidd compares ancient slavery with the New World. In the entire sequence of events in this world, God decides finally which causes will be effective and which will not, which actions of other wills besides his own he will permit. It is working for us “an eternal weight of glory” (2 Corinthians 4:17). Illustrating in chronological order in the 6 stages of redemptive history that God's main passion is to do everything for his glory. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis since 1980, is the author of The Dangerous Duty of Delight, Desiring God, Future Grace, A Godward Life, and The Pleasures of God. The confidence of a joyful future breaks the power of fear and greed and anger and self-pity, and frees the heart for love. It is measured. Questions and answers with John Piper. Questions and answers with John Piper. But what might we be missing in our familiarity? God’s Deepest Delight Jesus is at pains to help you feel that way about God. That’s what I’m trying to get across. Ask Pastor John. Indeed, it saved not only their faith in God and their sanity of mind, but also their love for people. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. God is sovereign over our suffering, which means it is not meaningless. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. [The earliest manuscripts and many other ancient witnesses do not have John 7:53—8:11. God’s permissions are not evil. Second Corinthians 8:2: “In a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy . ‎One classic John Piper sermon or conference message for each day of the year, based on listeners’ recommendations and feedback. Was slavery in New Testament times as bad as it was in the early modern era? Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. In 1994, he founded Desiring God Ministries, with the aim of "spread[ing] a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ." So, my sixth real-life effect of seeing and savoring the providence of God is that this providence assures us that the so-called “problem” of God’s sovereignty in suffering is more than relieved by the sustaining purpose and power of his sovereignty through suffering. overflowed in a wealth of generosity” — that is, in love. The doctrine of God’s providence is the theme of Pastor John’s new book by that title, Providence (you can now preorder the title from our friends at Westminster Books for just $19.99). . Daily devotional with John Piper. If someone asks me, “Do you think God planned for those planes to fly into the World Trade Center towers in New York on 9/11 in 2001?” I answer in two ways. But he has proven himself to us in Christ over and over, especially at the cross, and we trust him. Other books by John Piper The Dangerous Duty of Delight Desiring God Don’t Waste Your Life Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die God Is the Gospel A Hunger for God Let the Nations Be Glad! Am I really a Christian? Home - Truth78 JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. It is loving. Follow Desiring God on YouTube John Piper. How does the providence of God in our suffering save our love for people? I’ll say it again: for those who trust God in Christ, his sovereignty in suffering is not an unyielding problem; it is an unfailing hope. And our God is a teacher at heart. Missions work is glorious, yet often misunderstood. The lines of the Lord’s Prayer tend to pass by our eyes, and through our mouths, in a routine manner. Learn more at But in 2006, there was an uproar within the Christian community after John Piper extended an invitation to a young, filthy mouthed, unabashed preacher from Washington state, Mark Driscoll, to be one of the speakers at his Desiring God National Conference. Now, we all know that Satan’s power is real. Discover more from Piper at They are hopeful that others can learn and grow, and so they teach. These short and substantive readings will feed your joy in Jesus every day of the year. It means that, in the suffering of Christians, neither Satan, nor man, nor nature, nor chance is wielding decisive control. After fifteen hundred episodes of the Ask Pastor John podcast, Pastor John shares seven lessons that have … Whether you send or go, consider six myths you might believe. If you are married to your pastor, you are in a unique position to love the church — and to be hurt by the church. And it didn't stop there. God’s permissions are not foolish. Lecture 3 The Pursuit of Joy He could always stop it. Follow Desiring God on YouTube John Piper. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. But for those burdened by the power of indwelling sin, few can feel more difficult to answer. Christ has not only saved us from the wrath of God, but transformed us and saved us from the sinful nature that destined us for that wrath. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. If our suffering turns us in on ourselves, we will not love others in the midst of our affliction. So we are celebrating the implications on Wednesdays on the podcast. “All his ways are justice” (Deuteronomy 32:4). Follow Desiring God on YouTube John Piper. not And I want to draw your attention to one verse, namely, Luke 12:32, because every little piece of this verse is intend - ed to help take away the fear that Jesus knows we struggle with, namely, that God begrudges his benefits, that he is That’s the most loving act that was ever done in the history of the world, and it was empowered by hope. Solid Joys. If I may bear witness, from fifty years of ministering the word of God like this to many, many suffering people, here is what I would say. 7 Devotional Readings from John Piper on the Holy Spirit. Piper’s sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at Preface I feel like the apostle Peter at the end of his life, as he wrote . 53 Then they all went home, “His righteousness endures forever” (Psalm 111:3). Look at the Book. Follow John Piper on Facebook. Daily devotional with John Piper. Few questions are more important. Building his message on hundreds of Scriptures, especially from the Psalms, the apostle Paul, and Jesus himself — … We’re on a mission to change that. He ordains that sin be, but in ordaining that sin be or come to pass, he does not himself sin. The question “Who wrote the Bible?” has a double answer: God and man. We’re on a mission to change that. [27] Desiring God Ministries offers all of Piper's sermons and articles from the past three decades—and most of his books—online free of charge. When life just doesn’t seem to make sense, or even when it seems void of any meaning at all, what can help us to know our purpose again? Find your joy in God with sermons, books, podcasts, video, and daily articles from the ministry of John Piper. Questions and answers with John Piper. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. The heart must be set free from self-focus for the sake of focusing on others (Philippians 2:4). But that’s precisely where Christian love is supposed to shine. Piper is founder and teacher of Desiring God and author of more than fifty books. He is a righteous God. And therefore, we cannot always see the goodness and wisdom and justice of God in his providence. It is wise. Questions and answers with John Piper. It is not wrath. So that God accepts a little, and Christ makes our little a great deal. “For the joy that was set before him” — as a hope, a certain hope — Jesus “endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). Look at the Book. Follow Desiring God on Instagram. I want them to live in a god and world, and I don't know a doctrine better than the Providence of God to make people God beside in a god in. God-centered children's ministry curriculum and resources for equipping the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God. His sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. On May 15, 1553, John Calvin sent a letter to five Christian prisoners about to be executed for their faith. And in the all-wise providence of God, permissions are always purposeful. He wrote, “Christ will strengthen your hands in the fight, and will not suffer a single drop of your blood to be spent in vain.” Subscribe to Desiring God: ‎John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. And for those who trust Christ and God in Christ, God’s sovereignty in suffering is not an unyielding problem; it is an unfailing hope. . In other words, for thousands of suffering Christians, the all-pervasive providence of God is not a barrier for faith, but the ground of faith-preserving, sanity-sustaining, love-empowering hope. But what we see in the Bible over and over — and I wrote this book to try to make hundreds of these places plain — is that neither Satan, nor man, nor nature ever does anything that was not in the plan of God. It is not wanton or heedless. Follow Desiring God on Instagram. “My counsel shall stand,” says the Lord, “and I will accomplish all my purpose” (Isaiah 46:10). Interactive Bible study with John Piper. Love cannot flourish where fear or greed or self-pity or anger consume the heart. It is purposeful. Follow John Piper on Facebook. Follow John Piper on Twitter. Follow John Piper on Facebook. There are a total of ten implications Pastor John wants to address. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. It is not ultimately destructive. The question “Who wrote the Bible?” has a double answer: God and man. Therefore, all suffering is in the sway of God’s providence. Follow John Piper on Twitter. World because the Providence of God means he guides the courses of the stars and has them all named all billions of them and he causes the little birds to fall out of trees in the darkest jungle of the Amazon.