Programs like UNC Baseball and athletes like Terrell Owens include Seated Cable Rows in their routines (though Owens typically uses a resistance band). The only downside of TRX Rows is that they limit the amount of weight you can use to your body weight. The dumbbell bent-over row (demonstrated here by NYC-based trainer Rachel Mariotti) is just one of many ways to reap the benefits, but it may just be one of the most accessible. Not only does the bent over row increase size and strength of the lats, rhomboids, and traps, but also the erectors, and to some degree, the glutes and hamstrings. Esser says, "The athlete tends to be in a very stable position with their torso upright, so Cable Rows are great for learning how to use the scapulae to pull a weight.". EXERCISE Let's break it down, go over some exercises, and look at a sample program. If you want to load even heavier weight, try the bent-over row with a barbell and an overhand (palms facing your thighs) grip. | For many people, heavy bentover rows put undue strain on the lower back. STACK's Brandon Hall looks at eight popular Row exercises and inventories the pros and cons of each. Right: neutral back, safest way to Barbell Row. From there, you use two dumbbells to perform a Row. Not all movement is good for a lower back injury. This exercise will hit your back muscles from top to bottom, including your lats, traps, rhomboids, and even the rear delts. To protect your spine: Keep your back slightly arched and avoid rounding your back. See which exercises for back pain can help, and which to avoid in this WebMD slide show. B. Exhale to row dumbbells up next to ribs, drawing elbows straight back and keeping arms in tight to sides. Since they require heavy Rows with one arm, they place a good amount of torque on your lower back. This is excellent for … The freestyle barbell bent-over row is one of the highest-risk exercises because the torso isn’t supported and the lower back is excessively involved. Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows differ significantly from both the Bent-Over Barbell Row and the Seated Cable Row. Try flipping your hands to an underhand grip (dumbbells horizontal, parallel to shoulders and wrists facing forward away from your body) to target your biceps and lats even more, says Jones. The problem with the exercise lies in the position your arms must be in in order to perform the movement. The Bent-Over Barbell Row is an old-school exercise that is super effective for building back mass and strength. While the stretch can be beneficial when done properly, it's easy to do the exercise with poor form (i.e., rounding your back when you pick up a weight bar or weights). It’s also vertical, so he or she avoids the bent-over rowing position. The simple form and potential creativity are big pluses for Cable Rows, but they do not build lower-back strength like Bent-Over Barbell Rows. TRX Rows are like Inverted Rows, except they're performed using TRX straps rather than a stationary bar. It is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do to build a stronger and broader back. They are performed single-arm-style using a dumbbell. It targets almost all of the back muscles, but especially the lats, romboids and lower back. The standing, bent-over position also strongly stresses your lower back, glutes and legs. Or, to make it easier overall, select smaller dumbbells. Upright Rows target your traps and lats. But within that basic description, there is lots of room for variation. Bent-Over Barbell Rows are great if performed correctly, but that's not often the case. Luckily, the bent-over row is that kind of strength exercise. The Row. The position can put significant pressure on the lower back, causing the muscles and ligaments to stretch excessively. Engage core and keep neck neutral to maintain a flat back to start. It’s difficult to keep your lower back hollowed and secure once the weight becomes substantial—just a slight slip in technique can produce a nasty lower-back … (Yes, really.) While rows are primarily a back exercise, they recruit the rest of your body as well-which is what makes them a must-have for any strength-training routine. As for the One-Arm Row, it puts too much of a torque on your lower and middle spine, which is not always the greatest thing when you’re lifting up… (Try supersets of the bent-over row with a dumbbell bench press or push-ups for a killer-but balanced!-lifting set. If you're a Row pro and are already performing Bent-Over Barbell Rows, check out this video to make sure your form is on point. L ower back safety is an important issue. Stand alongside the bench with the weight in the hand that is away from the bench. Put your inside hand at the top of the bench for support. Three-Point Dumbbell Row What it does: Strengthens the back, shoulders, and arms. Shape is part of the Instyle Beauty Group. A hunched back is a common error with bent over rows. Eat this “superfruit” before bed to burn more fat: The Bent-Over Row Is Way More Than Just a Back Exercise. One type of movement with an especially huge number of variations? The bent-over row is a full-body integration exercise that targets the arms and back. CHEST With that in mind, STACK took a look at eight popular Row exercises to inventory the pros and cons of each. Since they allow you to use a heavier load, Meadows Rows are a great alternative to traditional Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows. He says, "The risk outweighs the reward. With knees slightly bent, hinge forward at the hips until torso is between 45 degrees and parallel to the floor and dumbbells hang below shoulders, wrists facing in. "In terms of overall strength and hypertrophy for the posterior chain, it's tough to beat the Bent-Over Barbell Row," says Kasey Esser, C.S.C.S. BACK This variation also takes the strain off of your lower back if you have had or have an achy lower back. Every time you step into the gym, you have a virtually endless array of exercises at your disposal. It puts your shoulder in an impinged position. There's also a common form problem: athletes twist their torso at the top of the movement to help them generate momentum; but that can be corrected by focusing on maintaining a flat back and using lighter weight. Increase Training Frequency Exercise is good for low back pain -- but a few exercises may make back pain worse. C. Inhale to slowly lower weights back to starting position. On the flip side, however, the bent-over row may irritate the lower back in some individuals. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps. ... Unbreakable Back: Bent Over Row; So it doesn't inherently suck for everyone, but it might for YOU. Like peanut butter and jelly, the bentover row and bench press go together perfectly. The bent over row can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells or, if you have some laying around at home or in the gym, kettlebells.Being a compound exercise, the barbell rows works a … and certified personal trainer. Bent-Over Row . The dumbbell row typically remains in the program and rarely causes lower-back pain. Keeping your body in perfect posture as you progress through the movement requires not only back strength, but also glute and core strength. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. If you'd rather get on your feet than be in a seated position, you can perform Cable Rows in a variety of different ways. This is excellent for building lower-back strength and stability. Bend over at your waist to the 45-degrees-to-parallel position, start with arms hanging toward the floor, and pull the bar up to your stomach. (Related: Why It's Important to Have Strong Abs-and Not Just to Get a Six-Pack). You pull a barbell or dumbbell from below your waist to the top of your chest using a close grip. "The bent-over row is the perfect complement to the bench press because it targets the muscles on the opposite side of your body," says Heidi Jones, founder of SquadWod and Fortë trainer. Pull the bar off the pins and to your torso, just as you would when doing a regular barbell row, then lower back to the pins. The Bent-Over Barbell Row is an anti-flexion exercise, which means your lower back must keep your torso from folding over. Then, place your inside knee on the bench and lower your back into a position where your hips, spine, neck and head are in a straight line parallel to the floor. You use your upper body to pull a load rather than push it. The upright row is one of the most harmful exercises you can expose your shoulders to. Keep your eyes focused on the floor slightly in front of feet to maintain a neutral neck and spine. If the standing bent-over row causes lower-back pain, try the inverted row with a suspension trainer or hanging under a barbell. If you're new to Row exercises, Bent-Over Barbell Rows might not be the best place to start. Pull the bar towards your upper body while keeping your back still and allow it to slowly return after a short pause. To demonstrate internal rotation, hold your arms straight out to the sides with your palms down. The barbell bent-over row combines a high amount of requisite stability through the lower body, pelvis, and spine while simultaneously creating dynamic tension through the musculature of the back. When done correctly, it will teach proper hip-hinging mechanics and help protect the lower back, which is a commonly injured area for gym rats. The bent-over row (and any back exercises, for that matter) are important to incorporate into your strength routine to maintain the balance of strength between the back and front of your body. That’s where this “head-supported” version comes into play; instead of your lower back taking the full burden of stabilizing your torso, an adjustable bench takes much of the tension off. Athletes like Antonio Gates use them in their routines. The chest pad prevents the trainee from leaning forward and stressing the lower back. Left: lower back rounded, bad for your spine. Although the standard bent-over row mainly targets your forearms and upper back, variations can be used to include your biceps and lats as well. However, due to their supported nature Chest-Supported Rows don't offer much bang for your buck. Seated Cable Rows ditch the barbell in favor of a cable machine. Steve Nash likes to do them single-leg, single-arm-style, while Ryan Matthews likes to add a Squat to the movement. However, if done correctly, the bent over row is a good, compound exercise that strengthens multiple back, shoulder and scapular muscles. Join STACK and gain instant FREE access to resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. All Rights Reserved. The position for this Row closely mimics the position for the Deadlift, and Esser sees a positive relationship between the two exercises. It's a favorite of legendary bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and top teams like Maryland Lacrosse integrate it into their routines. "Strengthening these muscles improves your posture and spinal stability, reducing the risk of lower-back injuries." The erector spinae, also known as the lower back muscles, work to assist the back and core stabilizer muscles in the bent over position of most rows. To correct this mistake, pull in your core muscles, look … The bent-over row is a traditional back-building exercise that works your latissimus dorsi, middle trapezius and rhomboids, rear deltoids and biceps. Chest-Supported Rows put you in a belly-down position on an incline bench. TRX Rows are great for anyone who has back issues, because they allow you to control the weight, difficulty and movement of the exercise better than other Rows. Since the TRX isn't a fixed implement, it requires an extra effort for stability. But especially exercises such as bent-over barbell rows and stiff-leg deadlifts are death traps for lower back injury. “Rows can be great for shoulder and upper back,” says Malpelli, “but often patients perform them bent over at the waist. | Stand with feet hip-width apart and holding a medium- or heavy-weight dumbbell in each hand by sides. Benefits of the Chest Supported Row. First, focus on your root cause and gradually introduce the weights back in. Step forward, the bent-over row. Having a curved spine when doing this exercise puts a lot of pressure on your back and can cause injury. You've probably seen someone at your gym perform them—or maybe you've performed them yourself—but you should not include them in your routine. Other Row exercises hit your upper back, lower back, core and glutes, whereas Chest-Supported Rows target just your upper back. Method 1 Performing the Standard Row Meadows Rows can give you a great pump, but anyone with a history of lower-back injuries might want to stay away from them. But they’ll hurt your lower back if you do them with bad form. Instant access to FREE resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better. The row strengthens the upper back, counterbalancing what the bench press does for … A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that the standing bent-over row put the largest load on the lumbar spine compared to the inverted row or standing one-arm cable row. "Every time the dumbbell is lowered, the torso has to stay stable. That will work to get you bigger and stronger for a long period of time, but eventually you'll have to hit the iron to keep seeing significant gains. Focus on squeezing shoulder blades together at the top of each rep. LOWER BACK That’s because the weight is directly beneath your center of gravity as opposed to slightly in front of it. Inverted Rows are a full-body exercise. Take care to keep the shoulders "down and back" the entire time to ensure you're working the correct muscles, says Christi Marraccini, trainer at NEO U in New York City. If the barbell bent over row is a staple in your program, listen up! Typical form issues include poor hip hinge, incorrect weight distribution, improper tempo and lifting with a flexed spine. Bent-Over Row. Invented by professional bodybuilder and C.S.C.S. So you're training the core to resist rotation," Esser says. Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows do a great job of targeting both the back and the core. 10 Things I Learned During My Body Transformation, Why It's Important to Have Strong Abs-and Not Just to Get a Six-Pack. As with all weightlifting, exercising caution is just as important as exercising your body to limit your chance of injury. Knowing the benefits of each exercise and the effect it can have on your performance is an incredibly valuable piece of knowledge. The bent over row is a back day staple exercise and is considered one of the best muscle building back building exercises you can do. | You might not have heard of Meadows Rows, but they definitely deserve to be on your radar. Over the years, a number of Rows have increased in popularity and found their way into workout routines. What I have always liked about the OG T-Bar row is that it also taxes your lower back to a great extent, which is a entirely different from the chest-supported seated row. A frequent cause of shoulder pain, shoulder impingement occurs when a bony part of your shoulder known as the acromion rubs against the shoulder tendon and bursa sac, creating inflammation and causing pain. UPPER BACK. Which row is right for you? The Barbell Row, or Barbell Bent-Over Row, is a strength exercise that works the back muscles. Stand up with your back facing the vertical structure, flex your knees, bend your waist and grasp the bar with both hands. According to Esser, they put your shoulder in a dangerous position that can lead to injury. Try These Performance-Boosting Beach Workouts, Keep Your Workouts Simple for Better Results, Build Explosive Strength with This Olympic Weightlifting Program, Why the Clean Pull is Perfect for Athletes, 8-Exercise Advanced Chest and Back Workout, 5 Tips to Intelligently Train Through Lower Back Pain. Exercise and build strength PAIN-FREE! On the flip side, however, the bent-over row may irritate the lower back in some individuals. If you've got the time and energy to perform other variations, you'll get more results for your effort. Middle: excess lower back arching, also bad for spine. "The abdominal and lower-back muscles contract to stabilize (or keep your body in place) while performing the exercise," says Niren. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that the standing bent-over row put the largest load on the lumbar spine compared to the inverted row or standing one-arm cable row. | Want an added challenge? As advertised, Upright Rows put you in a standing, upright position. "From my experience, TRX Rows work very well at working the back, the core and the glutes simultaneously, even for someone with a history of back injury," Esser says. this website. Keep your elbows in tight to your body. One Arm Row, Step By Step. Early Specialization vs. Your core and glutes have to work harder to maintain proper posture throughout the movement. "I've found them to have a big time carryover," he says. However, Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows have a couple of drawbacks. Unlike other Row variations, they are performed in a seated position. The further you move your feet forward, the more difficult the exercise becomes. Twenty months and 17 pounds later, I came away with 10 big lessons. "The main muscle group targeted is your back, more specifically the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids," says Lisa Niren, head instructor for running app Studio. The ultimate 30-day squat challenge, featuring 12 squats that tighten and tone. You can use either a loop or handle resistance band on this one. How to Do It: "Especially toward the end of your set, when you may be tempted to let your shoulders creep toward your ears," she says. Resistance Band Bent-Over Row. | When you go back through all the classic training clips from the Pumping Iron days, the T-Bar row … Again, maintain the same torso angle throughout the lift. Another benefit of TRX Rows: they allow you to increase and decrease the difficulty of the movement by simply moving forward or backward. This position is easier on the back than a standing position, and its a good way for beginners to learn the Row movement. To add muscle quickly, increase training frequency and volume, and add new exercises to your back training while dialing back in other areas. Since you Row with one arm at a time, Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows allow you to focus on your form and build both sides of your back equally, decreasing the likelihood of developing muscle imbalances. Keep the angles in your knees and hips still throughout. Barbell Rows will strengthen your back if you use proper form. So many trainees had back pain that the seated row machine with a chest pad was created. You can even tweak the row slightly to target different parts of your back: "Pulling the weight higher to your chest works your upper-back muscles while pulling the weight closer to your waist works your mid-back muscles," she says. Don’t Barbell Row with your lower back rounded. "I wouldn't say it's a beginner's movement," says Esser. Inverted Rows encourage you to control your own body weight in motion—which is what sports performance is all about. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Medicine Ball Exercises for Youth Athletes, How to Crush Your Entire Body in 10 Minutes Using One Weight Plate, How To Do A Single-Arm, Single-Leg Push-Up, 2 Foam Roller Workouts For Strength, Not Recovery, Get Faster for Any Sport With This 12-Week Speed Workout. Squeeze the contraction at the top, then slowly lower back down. This position is called "internal rotation." With the Bent-Over Row for example (or the deadlift) the bar is in front of your body which puts a strain on your lower back. One concern with Inverted Rows is that pulling yourself all the way up to the bar can put extra pressure on your shoulders, elbows and wrists. If the standing bent-over row causes lower-back pain, try the inverted row with a … Here's Why, Why CrossFit Should be Considered a Sport Rather than a Training Program, Taking a Beach Vacation? But if you've got a strong, healthy lower back and a stable core, give Meadows Rows a try and enjoy a premium back pump. The movement of Upright Rows actually closely resembles the Hawkins Test, a test doctors use to put the shoulder in impingement and check for pain. John Meadows, they use a barbell landmine to provide a uniquely challenging single-arm Row. Keep your back still throughout. . Sometimes referred to as the barbell row, the bent over row is a staple movement in most muscle building workouts.Those looking to build muscle utilize the bent over row to target their back, bicep and core muscle. BARBELL The basic movement of a Row is like a reverse Bench Press. The Bent-Over Barbell Row is an anti-flexion exercise, which means your lower back must keep your torso from folding over. ), The bent-over row exercise also targets your biceps, as well as muscles in your shoulders and forearms, plus your legs and core. Early Sampling: Which is Better? How to Do the Bent-Over Row. The problem with the Bent-Over Row though, is that the maximum amount of weight you’ll be able to move is limited by your lower back and leg strength (glutes, hamstrings), and this is because the weight is actually in front of your body when you bend over and start pulling. The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes, Why Nutrition Isn't About Making the 'Perfect' Choice, Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing, A Peloton Bike Probably Won't Get You Your Dream Body. You should maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise. The Inverted Row is a bodyweight exercise that requires you to fight gravity to pull yourself up to a fixed bar. 3. A. If you want to focus on your upper back—and just your upper back—Chest-Supported Rows get the job done. If you have time for just one move, you'll want it to work multiple muscles. Many exercises can cause back problems if done improperly. The further you move your feet backward, the easier the exercise becomes. Topics: Watch my free Workshop on the 5 critical steps to making this happen! You can quickly load weight on and off, and since the end of a barbell is significantly thicker than a dumbbell handle, they also train your grip. Lower back strain is a common cause of back pain when bending over. Everything you need to know to get started with this high-fat, low-carb diet. To avoid this, add a small pad around the bar or pull yourself within 3-4 inches of the bar at the top of the movement. But if you've got lower back problems and want to target your upper back, Chest-Supported Rows are a smart choice. Since they heavily challenge your core and force you to lift with one arm at a time, you probably have use lighter weight than you do for other types of Rows. They can be done either free-standing or with the support of a bench. Do a row every time you train. No back workout is complete without some sort of row. The bent over row with a dumbbell is not an exception. Grip variations when doing the bent over row. Upright Rows might build trap and lat strength, but safer options, such as Deadlifts, are a better choice. Your back muscles are the primary beneficiaries of the bent-over row, and as they increase in strength your posture will also improve so you don’t slump as much. You can add a med ball to increase the difficulty, like Kevin Durant does. Shape may receive compensation when you click through and purchase from links contained on Keep core engaged throughout each set and try not to move your torso at all. Compared to any similar rowing movement, such as the Bent-Over Row, Pendlay Row or even the One-Arm Dumbbell Row, the T-Bar Row is far safer. Barbell bent over row form The bar bent over the string is a compound exercise used to create strength and size in the lower and upper back. To add slabs of muscle to your back, you'll have to specialize. There are other things you can do to build your traps.". Seated Cable Rows might be better than Bent-Over Barbell Rows for athletes who have trouble with their hip hinge and lower-back strength, because Seated Cable Rows place you in a stable upright position, where you can focus more on strengthening your scapulae than your lower back.