You need not to be very expert on electrical work. Carefully grip the … Press the HOLD button to capture a stable measurement. Next insert the red lead into the VΩ jack. Then turn on the multimeter and set the energy at highest rang set it to dial at the correct position. When previous actions have been done then touch the REL (relative) button to put the multimeter in a specific position value. Current Measurement using Multimeter Both AC and DC currents can be measured with a multimeter by connecting the meter in series with the circuit, in which current being measured provided the current in that circuit is limited or controlled by a load or appropriate values of resistance. They are usually made with top quality ingredients to give correct readings and durable. Generally speaking, voltage measured in ac power systems should be within -10% and +5%. Just you have some specific knowledge about it. We have started video tutorial series on 'How to use multimeter' in our channel 'Being Engineers' and in this video, we will show you 'How to safely measure AC voltages using multimeter'. If you have a multimeter in your house then, this operation will so easy to do. Sometimes unwanted accidents will occur due to circuit breakers. And when you use it for taking the reading, before each reading checks the ports regularly. While most multimeters can also measure alternating current (AC), it’s not really a good idea (especially if its live power), since AC can be dangerous if you end up making a mistake. To measure AC voltage place the Red lead at V slot and Black lead at COM slot as shown in the picture below. AC current is quite different from a DC current because the DC only has electricity traveling in one direction. Then insert the red color positive lead probe into the opening that marked as V sign. Current flow is … If you need to measure any other points, then load the points with the power source. Insert the black color probe lead into the COM opening on the multimeter. This instrument is very easy to handle. The elements of the multimeter are most likely the most vital. In the multimeter voltage section, use the part labeled V and a straight line to measure DC voltage. Select either AC or DC current on the meter. So, for example, calculate 12 volts on the 20-volt range will provide additional decimal places than on the 200 volt series. Different voltages are also an essential factor behind it. If you connect the lead with MA inputs, then the short circuit will have occurred accidentally. Press the RANGE button to select a specific fixed measurement range. Knowing how to use a digital multimeter makes it easy to check to see if a plug in the wall or even a surge protector is working properly. You will get an introductory video of this multimeter whose link is given in the description of this video. Do not use hand directly to the switch on the circuit opening. Check that there is any kind of crack, burned part, internally disconnected or loosens part on it. Let’s jump for the main details-. Visit our contact us page for repairs, technical support and other questions. The most common way is to use what is known as a clamp meter. When finished, remove the red lead first, black second. However in multimeter we have different option for AC measuring voltage, like 20 volts, 50, 250, 500 and 1000 volts. It is a very useful tool for your electrical activities. A sine wave symbol adjacent to the “V” indicates AC Voltage measurement. It can be easy to blow a fuse if the meter is placed slightly improperly. Testing Resistance and Continuity. With those warnings in mind, let’s do a current measurement. Locate the power switch on the multimeter and switch it on. A typical multimeter can measure Voltages within the range of 200 mV to 600 V AC or DC. For example the voltage across this circuit is 6.84V. AC stands for alternating current and it is usually represented by an A with a squiggly line beside or above it, such as ~A or A~. As An Amazon Associate I Earn From Qualifying Purchases. If voltage in the circuit is unknown, set the range to the highest voltage setting and set the dial on ṽ. Steps for measuring AC voltage with a digital multimeter. Some common mistakes have been made by people while measuring the ac voltage with a multimeter. Multimeters are capable of measuring both the DC and AC currents. An Ultimate Guide for the Best Multimeters for Electricians! I hope this article will help you to measure ac voltage by your multimeter. Press the relative (REL) button to set the multimeter to a specific reference value. Measuring voltage is not such hard work. Before inserting the probes into a socket opening try to turn off the power at the whole period of time. AC Mains can be very dangerous. The crucial thing is to examine the state of the lead. Everyone will measure this with some proper knowledge on it. Step 1: Connect the black probe to the common jack on the multimeter. It should do it for avoiding massive accident and injuries. If it is ok, then check its leads properly. Finally, the reading will be shown on LCD. The DMM makes bleep for each time when a new measuring value has been recorded. If it is also useful in condition, then you can start your job. But when you measure the ac voltage, then auto mode should be changed in custom mode. Then collect the measuring amount from low to high from the displayed value. Have you ever had to use your multimeter to measure an AC voltage? Now set the mode by using the knob, we have to place it at AC voltage symbol (shown in picture below). The main thing is making the proper connection to get an appropriate voltage measurement. Today in this article we try to describe a short and helpful procedure for you to measure ac voltage with a multimeter. A multimeter can definitely measure AC current, but an electrician will rarely do it in a traditional way by breaking the circuit. Check that is it damp or any type of damage on it. If you want to test voltage above form 250 volts then set the knob on 500 volts . When you connect the inquiry into the active pin previously, the accident will have occurred. The wiring in most homes uses alternating current, and the … In electronics, “resistance,” is the amount of hindrance to … Set a multimeter to "Volts AC." Measuring ac voltage using your altimeter is not as hard as it sounds. The multimeter will show the voltage across the circuit. Make sure that the setting range dials on the meter to AC volts and the highest voltage range. Some necessary steps and precautions you should take for doing it. The DMM beeps each time a new reading is recorded. Select the Ac volt range for necessary accuracy. Learn how to measure AC mains voltage with a digital multimeter. You can be taken a reading after completing the measurement process. Include a probe into the neutral point primary before putting in a probe into the active pin of the socket. Press the MIN/MAX button to capture the lowest and highest measurement. Using a multimeter to measure current may not be the most frequently used function, but it can be very important. An important point should be kept in mind that most of the multimeter usually in automatic mode. The value varies because of voltage system or category of the ac system. If you're not sure, check the nameplate on your power source again for that information.