Living Greyhawk Fanlareshen Elf coordinator: Canonfire! Elves had inhabited the Flanaess long before the Baklunish-Suloise wars and the subsequent intrusion of Oerid and Suel peoples. Male and female high elves, as depicted in the 3.5,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Reimer, David S. "In the Frost and the Snow. 5. Allitur, god of Ethics and Propriety. Dilettante Artist (Racial) Aquatic elves are only found in temperate aquatic regions, and gray elves often prefer temperate mountains. They have majestic wings that allow them to fly at a speed of 50 ft. (clumsy). ", This page was last edited 13:49, 16 April 2020 by Greyhawk Wiki user. Most elves have fair skin and dark hair, though this is no more true of all elves than it is of humans. Most elves, other than drow and Valley elves, follow the Seldarine, the elven pantheon, consisting of the following deities: While Corellon Larethian leads the Seldarine, most subraces also have a patron deity whom they hold in nearly equal regard. Valley elves are rarely seen outside the Valley of the Mage. Elves can only become pregnant when in strongly emotionally engaged - usually from love, happiness, or anger. Encyclopedia Greyhawkania Index silent hunter, and Their attribute modifiers are -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, and +2 Charisma . This replaces the standard bonuses and penalties most elves receive. fleet footed, Sunndi and the Lendore Isles perhaps are the only other two by 591 CY, although Highfolk had a high (for grey elves) population in 576 CY, and Sunndi lost many in … I suppose I can get used to Elves living in the kingdom of Celene, I've always looked at Elves roughly like living in there forest cities and being in control of said forest ... not actual kingdoms. Snow elves, drow, and grugach are found almost exclusively in cold mountains, the Underdark, and deep forests, respectively. I love Greyhawk but ugh I have some issues with it that really bug me. All elves revere their chosen gods and clerical magic is common, but religious elves do not submit to their goods, seeing them more as ideals and partners than patrons. Moderators:DM Wise, DM Nocturne, DM Ratik. Follow My Greyhawk Mapping on Facebook! Elves speak Elven. 2 \$\begingroup\$ Are you interested in general lore of the races, or lore on a specific race(s) (ie. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. To their perspective, humans are but short-lived distractions. Berei, goddess of Home, Family, and Agriculture. They have a reputation for careful grooming, more so than perhaps any other race. Contact the Webmaster. Instead, your total bonus is equal to your Wisdom modifier. Forlorn (Racial): Having lived outside of traditional elf society for much or all of your life, you know the world can be cruel, dangerous, and unforgiving of the weak. How are the Dark Elves different in the Greyhawk setting, then they are in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting? 7. The offspring of humans and elves are known as "half-elves" among humans, and as "half-humans" among elves. (you all should know these). Koopdaville Koopdaville. The quite reclusive and distrustful Wood Elves have two main subgroups:-Sylvan elves have coppery … Dark elves most often worship Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, or one of her brood. Their attribute modifiers are +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom and -2 Constitution. this last one being more common than the elven magic it replaces. Elves mark the time using the Olven Calendar. Greyhawk Deities - Master List Reading the Entries. Also, my math is not solid, and there is bound to be some obscure reference I missed, so at best this study is mostly accurate. Possible alternate racial traits include arcane focus, envoy, eternal grudge, and urbanite. Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul … Und abhängig davon, was die Abenteurer tun, kann es die Zukunft von Herbergsbad ebenfalls … You have a flying speed of 30 feet. These races are considered elven sub-species in Greyhawk (unlike Pathfinder). It also insures elven populations get a post-war surge—sometimes a generation of elves are named for the war they were conceived in. dnd-5e elf half-elf Share. Although not the first campaign world developed for Dungeons & Dragons—Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign predated it by over a year —the world of Greyhawk closely identified with early development of the game … 416. Defender. Enterprises. We only know that the frost elves (from Dragon #155) were rejected by the other elven races for permitting the drow to use a pass (for a considerable price) in the Crystalmist Mountains under their control during the wars. Choose a 0-level arcane spell. World of Greyhawk > Character Building > name generator. Gray Elves. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws. Their features in general may be described as more angular and defined; including long, pointed ears and wide, almond-shaped eyes. divided into several distinct subraces with different racial traits and attribute modifiers. Art by Franz Vohwinkel. Beast Friend (Racial: Wild Elf) The spell-like ability’s save DC is Intelligence- or Charisma-based (chosen when you select this trait). elven arrogance, Alternate racial traits include Elves are of various sorts, including a marine race, all of which are detailed here. 6. Grugach score increases b The grugach of the world of Greyhawk shun Elves invented spell magic as it is known today and are still great arcanists and wizards, doing so with a natural ease that beguiles and misleads others to think of them as sorcerers. 416. This frequently extends to their clothing, which is luxurious and well-kept, though not to the point of impracticality. The Races of the Flanaess My efforts has been very well received with an ENnie nomination and was the start of my career as a fantasy cartographer. Elves have an inborn fascination with magic, though the exact type varies by elf variety. So no I am not talking drow or sea elves or snow elves, etc. The wiki page for the EGI has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index. Most elves are usually chaotic good, though grugach tend to be neutral, Valley elves chaotic neutral, and drow neutral evil. You gain a +1 trait bonus to one category of Perform checks and a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks. Wood Elf Archery (Racial: Wood Elf): You ignore concealment miss chance (but not that of total concealment) when firing a bow. -The noble Gray elves frequently have silver hair and amber eyes while the more reclusive fey variety of gray olve are seen with golden hair and violet eyes. Elven rulers know their people's passionate nature and try to keep them out of conflict, as elves who do engage in the events of the world often live out their lives in a bright but brief burst. Share. Ein Relikt, das heute überraschend Geschichte schreiben könnte. Elves of 17 or 18 strength can work up as high as 5th level (Swashbuckler) and 6th level (Myrmidon) fighters respectively. Die Abenteurer sind auf der Suche nach einem Gegenstand, der in der Vergangenheit in Vergessenheit geraten ist. Alignments have also been abbreviated due to space considerations. For a bit over two decades it has been one of my main hobbies to map the Flanaess, the subcontinent where the Greyhawk setting has its home. In the Flanaess, large numbers of elves can be found in Celene, Highvale, the Lendore Isles, Sunndi, the Duchy of Ulek, the Valley of the Mage, the Vesve Forest, and the Vault of the Drow. Birth control, Domination-submission, Prostitution. Dungeons & Dragons (englisch für Verliese und Drachen, kurz D&D oder DnD) von Gary Gygax und Dave Arneson gilt als All have the basic shape of elves colored by their element rather than the appearance described in Pathfinder. It is the most common system for tracking the days and months of the common year in the Flanaess.. Languages. Moon elves (also called silver elves or gray elves) are much paler, with alabaster skin sometimes tinged with blue. The only deity known to be honored by the Valley elves is Ehlonna, who is also frequently worshipped by other elven peoples. The Greyhawk year consists of 364 days, split into twelve months of twenty-eight days each, and four seven-day festivals, each placed …, Companionship, Loyalty, Hope, Psychopomp, Shadowfell, Darkness (Moon), Liberation, Luck (Fate), Travel, Void (Stars), Good, Liberation, Nobility, Void (Stars), War, Animal, Glory (Heroism), Good, Plant, Sun (Day), Animal (Fur, but spiders only, and spiders are treated as animals to Lolth's clergy), Charm (Lust), Darkness (Normal or Loss), Nobility, War (Tactics), Darkness (Moon), Knowledge (Memory), Luck (Curse), Magic, Repose (Souls), Mysticism, Dreams, Far Jorneys, Death, Full moon, Chaos (Protean), Community, Darkness (Moon), Madness, Magic (Arcane). Males are slightly more muscular on average, there is little difference in height between the sexes, and facial hair is unheard of. Valley elves are rarely seen outside the Valley of … Two years ago (2009) I have decided … Though your magical studies were decades ago, you still remember your favorite little trick. Elves do not sleep as most other creatures do, instead falling into a four-hour restful trance. Wild elves are totemic barbarians. The elves of the imperious Joraga nation of Bala Ged have little respect for any other race of Zendikar— or even for other elves. Please visit the Edit Encyclopedia Index page to contribute to the wiki database. Alignment : Neutral Evil (3E; Chaotic Evil in previous editions) Type: Humanoid Subtype: Elf First appearance: Against the Giants (1977) The drow (rhyming either with "now" or "throw," per Mentzer, 1985) or dark elves are a generally evil, dark-skinned subrace of elves … +2 Dexterity, +2 charisma. Flight. Greyhawk: Return to the Classic . 1. Elves do not form families for procreation; the clan fully supports mother and children. Drow items are listed in the drow article: The grugach and Valley elf first appeared in Dragon #67 (November 1982) in the series "Featured Creatures," an ongoing series of articles where Gary Gygax released information on official creatures before their release in the upcoming Monster Manual II (1983). devoted companion, High Elf War-Craft (Racial: High Elf): You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks. woodcraft, Sky elves live among the clouds and in hidden mountain aeries and as courtiers in the courts of cloud and storm giants. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep blue or purple. Aloft, Passionate, Clannish, Lazy, Tricky, Proud. Br… Elves are renowned for their grace and mastery of magic: 58 and weapons such as the bow: 15, 58 and sword.Becoming physically mature by the age of 25 and … Deep Shahelas (and his wife, the dolphin goddess Trishina) for the aquatic elves, Fenmarel Mestarine for the grugach, Rillifane Rallathil for the wood elves, Tarsellis Meunniduin for the snow elves, and Aerdrie Faenya for the avariel. Third, I'm not a big expert on demographics, but it does interest me, so I'm drawing conclusions on this info the best I can. Elves are most often associated with temperate forests, though this applies chiefly to high elves and wood elves. Corresponding to 4E's eladrin, these are the elves that retreated to the feywild after the drow wars and recently began to return form exile. The City of Summer Stars is a lost and ruined elven community of fable and legend in the depths of the Adri Forest, now under a dreadful curse. I used to have a downloadable application that generated toon … Elves are strongly associated with the following items (magic items are listed in italics). Elves inhabited the Flanaess for many centuries before the Great Migrations introduced hordes of humans, orcs, and goblins who pushed them from the grasslands and prairies deep into the ancient forests that were their first home and most secure retreat. Atroa, goddess of Spring, East Wind, and Renewal. The newcomers forced the elves to retreat from the plains into their forest strongholds, and they have remained there ever since. Elves do grow physically weaker and mentally stronger as they grow older, and accumulate a "glow" from the strength of their souls as they age (Races of the Wild, 2005). Consequently, elves are unaffected by sleep-inducing spells and effects, and are able to remain active far longer than other races. Arcane Dabbler (Racial: Grey Elf) Bleredd, god of Metal, Mines, and Smiths. Youthful Mischief (Racial: Valley Elf) When elves do marry, it is from passion, and such marriages can last for centuries. moonkissed, The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda (also known as the Zavoda Index) through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIola, and numerous other fans over the years. 91 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges \$\endgroup\$ 4. Drow (Black) elves were thought to be a myth … Improve this question. Their attribute modifiers are +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom and -2 Constitution. Elf High Wizardry (Racial): This ability misleads many to think that elven wizards are in fact sorcerers. Alignments – some deities have multiple alignments listed in the alignment column, this is because that particular deity has mutiple aspects. You can speak, read, and write Auran. Elves do not expect or give fidelity in marriage, but surprisingly often stay true out of passion. Deliberate preventives are seen as rejecting a potential gift. Sophisticated and refined yet passionate, fierce and proud, the elves are often seen as aloft. Certain traits are only available to certain subraces of elf. +2 Dexterity, … Elves: Elves are five or more feet in height, slim of build, weigh about 120 pounds, have tan to fair skin, and are also of various types (wood, high elves, meadow elves) (fairies), wood elves being the darkest. Long Live Spidasa! Art for you is a social gateway and you use it to influence and penetrate high society. These are considered separate races in Pathfinder, and have their own racial profiles. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki ... Queen Yolande, Perfect Flower of Celene, Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind (CG female elf Wiz13/Ftr5) Government: Hereditary feudal monarchy in which royal house and all noble houses are elven; currently has no official political relations with any outside nation. 2. Share with: Link: Copy link. -Valley elves appear as gray elves save that they are taller and are shunned by other elves outside the Valley of the Mage. You do not use a spellbook or have a familiar. The elf is a humanoid race in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, one of the primary races available for player characters, and play a central role in the narratives of many setting worlds of the game. High elves and Sylvan elves primarily inhabit the areas around Highfolk, although other elven subraces do exist in … Taller and grander in physical appearance than others of their race, gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). 4 posts name generator name generator. Snow elves, drow, and grugach are found almost exclusively in cold mountains, the Underdark, and deep forests, respectively. This replaces elven magic and the worsened ability modifiers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves. Grey elves have magic as a natural gift and have many sorcerers and arcanists. You use the Wild Empathy class ability with a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier rather than your Charisma modifier. Wood elves are rustic, with a stronger rapport with nature, but seen as less refined that high elves. Becoming physically mature by the age of 25 and emotionally mature at around 125 (Races of the Wild, 2005), they are also famously long-lived, capable of living more than half a millennium and remaining physically youthful. The maps on this page is the result of that effort! Alternate racial traits include eternal grudge, fleet-footed, lightbringer, and silent hunter. Slightly shorter than the average human, elves are also noticeably more slender and graceful (this is reflected in a bonus to dexterity and a constitution penalty), averaging between 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet and 95 to 135 pounds. Post Mar 11, 2011 #1 2011-03-11T22:01. is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! This page was last modified on 26 August 2019, at 02:56. Elves, also known as olves or olvenfolk in the Flan tongue, are one of the primary civilized races of the Flanaess. jungle affinity, The replace the normal elven immunities with elemental resistance to cold. Their eyes are blue or green and fleck ed with gold. 3. The long lives of elves make overpopulation something of a concern, so they tend to be over represented in adventurers. Alternate racial traits include dreamspeaker, eternal grudge, fleet footed, silent hunter, and woodcraft—woodcraft being more common than the elven magic it replaces. BEST OF GREYHAWK #13 Excerpted from the World of Greyhawk folder #13 (and the end of #12) Pierre Couture ( October 24, 2011 ----- 15 years ! Major … It is not possible to use Spellcraft to decipher the spells in your bonded object, but read magic can read them normally. Celene has one of the greatest population of Grey elves and ruled by Yolande, Lady Rhalta of Elven Kind, a grey elf queen. Their attribute modifiers are +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma and -2 Constitution. Wood, Valley and Wild elves use less arcane magic and more druidism. Berna, goddess of Passion and Forgiveness. Enemies still have concealment and gain all other benefits from concealment, such as being able to use Stealth. asked May 30 '18 at 22:01. Elves are renowned for their grace and mastery of magic and weapons such as the sword and the bow. Verbobonc was originally an elven settlement, though they have mostly left that region to the humans and gnomes. All works, logos, and trademarks on this site are property of their respective owners. The Greyhawk Calendar is a fictional calendar used in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. Follow edited May 30 '18 at 22:22. doppelgreener . You may cast that spell at will. They often have hair of silver-white, black, or blue, but various shades of blond, brown, and red are not uncommon. If you lack this class feature, you can use it as a druid but without a level modifier. eternal grudge, They rarely die due to the wear of age. Join … In Greyhawk, the elf-drow wars are said to have happened, but it's very vague when this might have been. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. (since these folders have been written) For all these long years I have kept not only a copy of the Best of AOL files, but also the integral copy of the folders #1 to #31. They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. Your caster level is equal to your highest class level in a spellcasting class; if you have no caster level, it functions at CL 1. Gender equality, Divorce, Promiscuity, Recreational sex. Many Greyhawk fans have argued demographics of the setting in the past … You add to or replace the spells recorded in your bonded object exactly like you would a spellbook, and can even make a spare bonded object that functions as a spare spellbook. There are six major types of elf in Greyhawk. Capital: Enstad . Marriage is monogamous but rare. natural swimmer, » D&D / d20 » Allgemeines (D&D ... (Living Greyhawk - D&D) By Matthias Schäfer. Among more barbarous elves, crises are almost constant, meaning they have a much faster rate of reproduction. This insures there are almost no unwanted pregnancies outside of war times. Some might be his children and/or mates, others might be alternate manifestations, yet others are human gods adopted by the elves. elves’ number. They are shunned by all elves except some wood elves, and are in turn shy until cornered, when they rage. Corellon Larethian leads a pantheon of carefree immortals. There are several different subraces of elves, including aquatic elves, dark elves (drow), grey elves, high elves, snow elves, valley elves, wild elves (grugach), wood elves, and winged elves (avariel). 4. The Joraga eschew the goods and habits of others, even avoiding the pathways blazed by the Tajuru when possible. Aquatic elves are only found in temperate aquatic regions, and gray elves often prefer temperate mountains. Comments posted herein are also property of their posters. Greyhawk creature; Drow A male and female drow, as depicted in Drow of the Underdark (2007). Instead your wizard spells are encoded in your bonded object (or an object that could be a bonded object for a wizard, if you lack the class ability). Alternate racial traits include eternal grudge, fey step, lightbringer, and urbanite. Still, a few colonies persist here and there in the Material Plane and on the Plane of Air. I know that at least till 5e, the focus has always been on Mordenkainen's world, and Faerun was just a side campaign; 4e had their Nentir Vale thing, I suppose, but I didn't do stuff with 4e because of their handling of FRCS, so I'm ignorant there. 35.6k 13 13 gold badges 148 148 silver badges 237 237 bronze badges. Two other groups unique to Greyhawk are often confused with the latter two: Valley elves appear to be very similar to Grey elves and Wild (Grugach) elves commonly mistaken for shorter Wood elves. Greyhawk, also known as the World of Greyhawk, is a fictional world designed as a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. … Also see the elf creature listing. Elves also do not age as other creatures; their physical appearances remain constant from achieving physical maturity to death. blightborn, I had even toy'd with the idea that the Pomarj (during the Wars) pushed into Celene and the Elves … a blend of of physical traits from their human and elven ancestors, and Possessed of innate beauty and easy gracefulness, they are viewed as both wondrous and haughty by other races; however, their natural detachment is seen by some as introversion or xenophobia. The survival of their nation and its traditions is the Joraga elves’ only goal, and they view the influence of others as a weakness. Wood elf … Greyhawk has six different ethnic groups of human, as well as six types of elves, four types of dwarf, two types of gnome, three of halflings, and a wide array of other sapient humanoids. Greyhawk elves are divided into several distinct subraces with different racial traits and attribute modifiers. Portfolio – The area or area’s the Deity primarily concern themselves … Beltar, goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits. These elves use the standard racial writeup for elves in pathfinder. Though you gave up the life of a padfoot, scout, or minstrel decades before, you still know how to roll with the punches when things turn sour. Pale, rare, and reclusive, snow elves live in the high peaks of the Crystalmist, Lortmil, Griff, and Korusk mountains, but surprisingly not in the Land of Black Ice or the polar regions. Elves see all elves within an ethnic division as their kin.