Cerlestes' Ore Table is a daily updated, highly informative and easy-to-read source of information about mining in the EVE Online universe. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. The Income Calculator for 'Gas' calculates your income for each mineable substance in eve-online.You can set the price and your own mining skills. Eve Pilot crashes - 2 Mackinaw with max Orca, you lose 50% yield versus 33%. Eve Online - Mining Timer. I really enjoy mining and I heard you guys like spreadsheets so I've made one that calculates your mining yield based on your skill levels and fittings and it can calculate boosted yields as well. The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Using 5th-percentile buy price in the "The Forge" market region, price of mineral content assuming 72.36% reprocessing rate. Travel time (no hauler) - 2 Mackinaw with max Orca, since the ore hold doesn't get bigger, a greater percent of the time is spent going back and forth to drop off. Hello! EVE-Cost is a 3rd party tool for manufacturers in EVE-Online to help ease all the management stuff a player needs. Man this forum is dead. With a click on "set" the table updates with your specific values. Gallente Cruiser, lvl 3 û 30% bonus (10% per level) to mining drone yield. The venture is only good as gas mining, or as a very cheap disposable mining ship with very bad mining yield. The most complete Guide to Mining in EVE Online. The yield focused ships have a minimal tank, faster mining laser cycle times, and the smallest ore holds. I am rather new to Eve, having just picked it up about a month and a half ago. It includes an in-depth comparison of all Mining Ships, types of resources, and more. Keep track of your mining lasers and strip miners to optimize your yield. Dont waste the time training into it and train for a mining barge, its literally like 5 days training now, and training 1 - 2 days into a ship to use for 3 days is a bit of a waste. "Aoede" Mining laser Upgrade: Gives a 10% bonus to ore yield "Carpo" Mining Laser Upgrade: Gives a 9% bonus to ore yield; Personally, I would recommend getting Mining Upgrades to Level V and use the Mining Laser Upgrade II module, as these are just too expensive to justify the cost. The mining barge focused on yield is the Covetor, while the exhumer is the Hulk. Edit: oops, did not see this thread was so old. Arkonor, Bistot, Gneiss, Kernite, Omber, and Pyroxeres deposits may be found in wormholes.. For more detailed information on ore locations: https://ore.cerlestes.de/ore In general, the rarer the ore, the higher its volume per unit (e.g. Calculated using 2020-08-11 Tranquility Datadump & … Mining Yield By Ships. Mining: A Good Place to Start in "Eve Online" EVE Time: 09:58:57 18.02.2021 Log in or Register ? Never run empty mining circles again. The preset values are prices from eve-central and the from skill-, fleet-, ship-,etc.-boni, are the maximal possible amount for mining. ... lvl2 û 40% bonus (20% per level) to mining drone yield. The calculations in the chapter above lead to the following table: ... To calculate the number for seconds we take the average size of a Veldspare ... features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Refining yield is perfect based on security status (higher yield in low and null). Current Cargo Used: {{ cargo | …