The mind of the creative genius is a strange and wonderful thing.Not only have great artists created great works of art that have shaped culture and the human experience for centuries, they also have interesting insights as to why they do what they … Gesture Drawing - The Ultimate Guide For Beginners. If you have any painting quotes which have inspired you and are not included in this list, please share them in the comments. Famous Artists; Art Quotes; Brett Whiteley Biography. Here is a collection of art quotes about color, what famous artists have had to say about color, how they see it, and how they use it. ", "All the visible world is only light on form. There is no possibility of cheating. A bad painter cannot draw. These were actually helpful with an assignment. The truth is, to be distinguished as an artist implies that your work has survived the test of time, and that’s valid for our … Required fields are marked *. Balthus, Balthus, Large Landscape With A Tree, 1957, "It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover, to your surprise, that you have rendered something in its true character." – Gustav Klimt. ", "Drawing is the honesty of the art. Great art manifests beauty and elicits strong sentiments. Drawing Quotes Quotes tagged as "drawing" Showing 1-30 of 168 “When Van Gogh was a young man in his early twenties, he was in London studying to be a clergyman. Discover and share Art Quotes By Famous People. But one who draws well can always paint, Drawing is the artist's most direct and spontaneous expression, a species of writing: it reveals, better than does painting, his true personality, "Drawing is not what one sees but what one can make others see.". ", "One must always draw, draw with the eyes, when one cannot draw with a pencil. Sketch everything and keep your curiosity fresh. “The best reason to paint is there is no reason to paint.” Keith Haring 3. On the meaning of art: Gustav Klimt, 1914 (Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain) “Art is a line around your thoughts.”. Never graduate from drawing.” John Sloan. 14. Painter, paint! Arshile Gorky, "Drawing is the artist's most direct and spontaneous expression, a species of writing: it reveals, better than does painting, his true personality." It helps me to get to the core of a thing." We've all heard that it takes ten thousand hours to become an expert in something. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. ", "I love the quality of pencil. 12. It is either good or bad." I have seen what could be and asked why not. – Pablo Casals. Henri Matisse, “In drawing, nothing is better than the first attempt." Edgar Degas, "Drawing is not what one sees but what one can make others see." Drawing Quotes - BrainyQuote. Discover and share Drawing Famous Artist Quotes. “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.” Pablo Piccaso These quotes offer interesting insights into the mindsets of these great artists and how they painted. ", "Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see - to see correctly - and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye. Menu. Even, when I don’t sketch on paper, I do sketch with my eyes. Andrew Loomis, "One must always draw, draw with the eyes, when one cannot draw with a pencil." Aug 31, 2020 - They created beautiful works and spoke inspiring words to hear. Ageless Art Related Quotes: 1. March 22, 2020 by Art Quotes. They may comfort you to know they also probably suffered from writer’s block when writing about their art.