the tail bone will not grow back but the hair on the tail will. When I got him he had a zebra mane and an inch of tail, and after a year his tail had grown about a foot and his mane had flipped. Some countries have made it illegal for dogs to have their tails docked or ears cropped for cosmetic reasons. Dog's Mind The 3 main reasons cattle dogs have docked tails are to protect it from disease, prevent infection, and to maintain hygiene. So, you should do the docking if you want to show your dog. Here is a short list of AKC requirements for Yorkies. There's evidence to suggest that neuromas are associated with chonic pain in these dogs. The AKC claims that this is necessary for aesthetic purposes. These dogs go without tails (or much of a tail, anyway), and they like it that way. Dogs with docked tails express more aggressive behavior than dogs without docked tails, most likely because a tail is an important communication tool for dogs. Because of the way docked tails are styled (picture the fuzzy pompom tip), the tail typically remains cleaner. My husband recently purchased a percheron gelding with a docked tail. I would say that your gelding's tail will grow in, but it may take a while. His tail did grow back, it wasn't very long, but it did grow. What Types of Tails Do They Have? The Tails of Australian Shepherds Can Vary Depending on Their Linage. The hair will grow, but the tail will not. Buff is a hairy freight train on paws. I wondered if his tail is swelling due to a sprain. Boarding Kennel info FULL TEXT The full text of this article is available. To prevent injury. Undocked Tails Are Hard to Care For. Perhaps it appears longer because the dog/puppy is … Have a good feel of the nub and see if any swelling making it protrude more then usual. A long tail in an Australian Shepherd has fur that’s equally as lengthy. Interceptor info Factors that affect the length of the tail hair include: the length of the dock, the strength of the hair, the thickeness of the hair and the amount of hair the horse grows (ie if they have a lot of mane hair then the tail hair will probably grow longer). The tail will grow straighter. No problem. The vet believes it's either a calcium deposit or tissue granules (?) Heartworm info I'm just hoping some hair will. Rimadyl info Dog Whisperer. Do the Australian Shepherds feel pain when getting their tails docked? in answer to your question.yes the hair will grow at the normal growth rate of tail hair.our draft's had docked tails and we still had to braid and tuck the tail hair for shows. Diarrhea Rice Water how to stop a pony from biting and kicking other horses in the field? Dog Bite info … =/. Before you throw yourself into expensive testing I'd ask for a recommendation for a good chiro vet. It is generally about 1-2 inches long and is curled up against the bottom. Interestingly, breeds called “designer dogs” that at one time were called “mutts,” such as the Schnoodle, (Schnauzer/Poodle mix) are making tail docking and ear cropping a part of their new “standard” look. Yorkies in the US have docked tails, but there are other breed standards as well. Respond to this topic here on They are sweet and outgoing animals who are accepting of other family pets. I understand in some cases that it would be best for the dog, and I heard a certain theory that on pig farms, the pigs have a … My Puppy i just got tail was stubbed and now its getting longer. The hair won't grow in the area where the docking took place because the normal tissue with hair follicles will be replaced with scar tissue. It keeps them from getting full of weeds & mud. Docking is the process of cutting through the flesh and bone of the tail and shortening it. Dog Aggression info … girl abandoned horse, now wants horse back? When a dog is herding, their tails … Poor horsey. if you dont keep it trimmed and you let it grow it will look funny..not like a normal tail..if u want it to grow for fly reasons, put ribbons in his tail...docked tails dont look that bad..I bet he is beautiful even with it docked :). Over all, it has been put in the don't worry about it for now category. ? The club esteems docked tails and determines the breed standards. [OES Links] [OES Photos] [Grooming] [Merchandise] [Search], Identifying Ticks info Why do cattle dogs have docked tails. I bet he'd be interested in learning how a tail can grow back! we have raised Belgian drafts for close to 20 years. Feel it at the end no sort of like maybe some sort of abcess at the end of the nub or swelling making it stick out more then usual. But, pups bred for show are docked, leaving little more than a tail stub. Head butts and body slams just come natural for him. The tradition is promoted by the American Kennel Club. However, as the kennel club was established in the mid-1880s, tail docking among Aussies has been done … yes, although the tail itself wouldn't obviously regenerate. You can sign in to vote the answer. Why are herding dogs tails docked? John Bobbitt? You will quite often find Yorkshire Terriers with docked tails, rather than their natural tails. Surgically, tails are docked in working draft horses to ensure that they don’t get ripped out or caught and damaged by the equipment behind them. Others say docking keeps energetic breeds like boxers from hurting their tails by thumping them against walls or dog crates. In Australian Shepherds, that’s a docked tail. While there are quite a few breeds that do have docked tails (mostly in the US, since many other countries have banned this practice), the Shih Tzu is not one of them. I'm hoping he popped something out of place the last time he took the turn too high and went rolling. We have found over the years that the length of hair will vary from horse to horse. At the end of the day, it’s up to breeders and dog owners to decide if they want to dock the tails of puppies in order to comply with different breed standards as decided by the AKC or other … For instance, if the puppy is too scared throughout the surgery, they can grow to be more anxious and apprehensive in general. The bone in the tail is really an extension of the backbone. The conformation of the Yorkies as a breed to have a tail that is docked to medium length is listed there. English Bulldogs do have tails, but you will see an assortment by the way they look. When a longer dock is done, it usually is to allow for hair to grow for fly swatting, but keeps the tail manageable. AIHA Info Frontline info Vitamins Info He is a big dog, that requires a lot of room and having grown up with dogs and keeping them my whole life, I don’t see docking tails as even an option for a domestic pet. Those short tails are the result of docking. Not a bad thing in my mind. To help the growth, you can use conditioning products to help keep the hair strong and in addition you can make sure he's getting plenty of vitamins. Some will either have short tail weaves or not what the vast majority would consider to be a genuine tail by any stretch of the imagination. they don’t grow back. Yes, I was thinking Chiroprator. The Yorkie tail should be fairly long, typically with a curl to its shape. Cleaning the tail is easier, and there is less of a chance of fecal matter creating a problem. Dog Listener Hope that helps.. also the suggestions to kee the tail hair clean and to treat with a detangler are good ones. Just back from the vet with our B-boy. Compared to a Goldendoodle: Aussiedoodles lack a tail, which is nice for an indoor pet. When that boy runs and plays, nothing is safe. The study goes on to suggest that dogs with docked tails may grow up to be more aggressive. If the tail was docked, making the cut "in between the vertebrae", there would have been enough excess skin to cover and stitch properly, instead of just chopping the tail off wherever he felt was the correct length. The … This thread is taking an uncanny turn in the direction of the infamous "Tubes is tied" thread. Hip Displasia info Get your answers by asking now. Dogs without docked tails are only about 0.23 percent more likely to have a tail injury. But the rest of the tail hair should grow to cover that. There are more than one reason why a Pembroke Welsh Corgi can have no tail. It's another one for the books, his tail is growing, sort of. Long-haired Yorkies tend to have long hair growing from the tail too. Not only is the bobtail “normal” for these dogs, but they can also be naturally born without tails. Contents show. I use it on my horses and it's great. Some owners believe ear cropping lowers the odds of infections. Ask two people, “Why are herding dogs’ tails docked?” and you will get two entirely different answers. Dog Supplements info No scars are left and there is no damage to the nervous system after the procedure is conducted. Glucosamine Info Yorkies do not need to have their tails docked but it is still regularly practiced in the United States and is mandatory for Yorkies competing in American Kennel Club shows. If a puppy of a normally "tailless" breed is born with a tail, this may be corrected with docking. While normal tails don’t preclude entry into these events, many dog owners and breeders have found they face penalization or don’t win because of their dog’s original tail length. The docking of the tail of a … While Yorkies may not need their tail docked, if you’re entering them into a show, you should … Sheepdog Grooming Do you dock pit bulls tails? Boston Terrier with Curly Tail – This is by far the most common type of tail for Boston Terriers with tails. Pet Insurance info Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. (It stinks and stains your clothes but it WORKS.). Why Do Rottweilers Get Their Tails Docked? Those who want to successfully compete in an AKC-affiliated contest conform their animals to AKC standards. However, tail docking has no medical benefits outside of a working environment and is illegal in many countries. I would reccomend using M-T-G if you want it to grow faster. Heartgard info The reasoning postulated by Tom Reimchen, UVic Biologist and supervisor of the study, was that dogs who grew up without being able to efficiently transmit social cues would grow up to be more anti-social and thus more aggressive. that are building up on the end of the vertebra. Breed Standards. First, let’s define docking as the surgical removal of several portions of an animal’s tail. … Summary By: Faunalytics | This is a summary of an external study | Published: April 1, 2008. As you can see with my avatar picture, we like to keep our horse's tails at the hocks. I don't like it at all... but not much you can do since you bought him post-dock. How do you think about the answers? However, there are circumstances in which a surgical docking may have been necessary such as severe injury or infection to the dog's tail. But keep in mind that the hair at the base of the tail is pretty short to begin with so it likely won't get too long. Dogs With Docked Tails Can Grow Up Mean. When a longer dock is done, it usually is to allow for hair to grow for fly swatting, but keeps the tail manageable. Not just the hair bobbed off to the end of the tail bone? Although as you obviously know the tail does not grow back the hair on the tail will. Greenies Info No, it cannot. A little extra grooming (as is required with other breeds) solves this issue. Will it grow out? There are a few exemptions such as in some working dogs, injuries to the tail or for other medical reasons. Grooming-Supplies This could be due to natural shortness from their hereditary line or artificial shortness through docking. When the tail is docked bone is removed, and that bone does NOT grow back. Disease. The recovery process for tail docking takes about a week for puppies to completely heal. Maybe something is simply out of whack? In the US there are a few states which do regulate this activity (although more so for ear cropping) … Dog Wormer info Slicker Brush info With $73 million in revenues in 2016, the American Kennel Club maintains both a Political Action Committee (PAC) and Legislative … Advocates will tell you that docking an Australian Shepherds’ tail in this early phase isn’t painful or uncomfortable. Docking tails on a pit bull are usually not … =[ But she purchased him with a long-docked tail also. Hair will not grow on the bald spot. It's good for other things too. In donkeys and other members of Equus asinus , as well as some mules , the zebra and the wild Przewalski's horse , the dock has short hair at the top of the dock, with longer, coarser skirt hairs beginning to grow only toward the bottom of the dock. On a horse, long, thick tail hairs begin to grow at the base of the tail, and grow along the top and sides of the dock. Years later, people docked the tails of dogs that were used for hunting, herding, and guarding to try to prevent injury (since they reasoned the tail was an appendage that could be grabbed or trampled by another animal). They include the French bulldog, Boston terrier, Welsh corgi, … I just need to get acustom to a tail that is about 1 inch longer. Though docking and cropping are done mostly for appearance’s sake, many owners and breeders say removing hunting and farm dogs’ tails might prevent injuries during chases or herding. Diarrhea Info Get Rid of Fleas If you buy a puppy that isn’t docked, you have the choice whether they have the procedure or keep their tail. While a cattle dogs is out in the open fields, there are plenty of wild animals that could have contracted rabies. However, the most bizarre … Traditionally, farmers and ranchers cut off the tails of their Australian Shepherds to make them pass as sheep-dogs and reduce tail injuries during herding or hunting.. Some Pembroke Welsh corgis are naturally born with their tails short and, in some cases, without tails. [Home] [Get A Sheepdog] [Community] [Memories] Yes, it will, but it will take a long time. Before I discuss this matter, it’s important to know that puppies get their tails cut 2 to 5 days after birth. The UK, for example, banned the procedure in 2007. Other than that it just takes time! Oster A5 info Does it look like this horse has a winter coat. Based on our research, here are all the reasons for a tail-less Corgi. In dogs, some breeds dock them at a few hours after birth. Breeds with naturally docked tails. The most respected club of dog breeders in America is AKC (American Kennel Club) and it is also the largest one. Other breeds are kept rather long—the Wire Fox Terrier standard calls for a three-quarter dock. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi standard calls for tails to be "docked as short as possible without being indented." Pet Smells The tailbone is still about 10 inches long but the hair is very short. Well, I guess it won't matter, the hair will continue to grow if it is not kept bobbed off. It is the fashion in the draft horse world to dock the tails of the horses. Non-cosmetic tail docking is the process of removing the tail of a dog but not with the purpose of improving its appearance or letting it look as per the breed standard.