JT65-HF. FT991 and FlDigi ROCKS Time Owned: more than 12 months. CWType . Decoding digital signals using FLDIGI Part 3 Decoding CW Morse code How to decode CW signals using FLDIGI software. FLDIGI is free. Comparison of Ham Radio Modes vs CW in dB . September 2018. optionally with a background image your specify generates SWL QSLs So I use FlDigi and DM780 in CW mode to help with my tin ear. All Messages By This Member; Scott Davis #45420 . The other CW decoder is the NUE-PSK and the very unique way it decodes. kiwicw vs cwget.jpg. So there is good reason you pay for decoders targeted at the ham market. I've had this on my XP laptop about two years and haven't used it very much because I use fldigi … Is there any word on a Mac version of FLDigi or a better decoder than FLDigi running native on the Mac? More. Mine aren’t.. Those developers have invested considerable effort in optimizing their code. directly prints QSL labels, 1-to-a-page QSL cards, 4-to-a-page QSL cards, and Reply cards. I've used FLdigi for "CW" but would rather to use real CW. I use CW Skimmer (on the PC) for CW decoding since it performs much better than FLDigi. The Target parameter is truncated is the screen shot below. I've run some simultaneous comparisons against the decoder in fldigi which is marginally better for these cases. I have FLDIGI and HRD installed. Ham Radio Deluxe has 30 day trial. Yes, I've read other reviews that say that the MFJ 464 is a bit tricky. Hi Mark, Thanks for your e-mail. 3.4 Fldigi Installation If you want to run multiple copies of Fldigi or configure it for different slices, you should set up a separate icon for each slice and provide a unique directory name as a parameter in the target line. I have been using FlDigi with a FT-991 for about a year +now. Tried this as found it so, so. To send CW from AC log's keyboard, with CW sending enabled, just press the F12 key. interoperates with CWGet, CWSkimmer, Fldigi, Gritty, JT Alert, MMSSTV, MMTTY, MMVARI, MixW, MRP40, and MultiPSK ; QSLing. MMTTY is free, but I haven't checked on it in a couple years. I only run one digital/CW mode at a time so I just re-use my VAC connections instead of creating new ones. KT4EP Rating: 2014-02-11; Basic good for psk31 Time Owned: more than 12 months. Reception quality is dependent on propagation, as well as manual vs. keyer sending. You may want to leave the Real Soundcard Sampling Rate at 11025, it will give you a wider panorama display so you can see the other stations when working split. Also used CWget and CWtype but have to log manually Mark - KF6YU. But I can live with the percentage of accuracy over my own ears right now. 73, Bill Digital decoding of morse is very hit or miss. Yes the human brain still is the best decoder, assuming misfiring brain cells are low. This is the last piece keeping me from moving to the Mac. Our version of the popular Softrock receiver is supported by popular software applications like HDSDR, WINRAD, FLDIGI, CWGET, and any software that works with the SIS-570 oscillator and the USB driver by PE0FKO. A person can generally do much better. 800 x 240 - 108K. But my primary goal was/is to get away from using software to decode, while attempting to actually learn Morse. How Digital Modes Work ... •Software for machine decoding of CW includes Fldigi and CWGet, both of which can be integrated with N1MM+ contest software I just read a negative review of FLDIGI and the FT-991. The full Target entry in this example is Normally I would ignore reviews like this, but this time I had to correct the last reviewers point of view.. jks. 20 meters an 40 meters 2-5 day/nights a week. CWGet. Loved CW skimmer but out of my price range.